What is your favorite fishing book?



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Maybe it is a map book, a book on a dreamy destination or a whimsical novel.

For me it is: The Longest Silence-Thomas McGuane.
The Gierach compilation has probably given me the most enjoyment.
I agree with JL for reading purposes. They get read every winter, unlike the rest of my FF collection.
Hatches II, while not really light reading, is getting pretty worn.
Fly Rod Trouting by Ed Schenk
Other than a couple of excellent regional guides to the Midwest Driftless Region by Ross Mueller, I haven't bought a how-to/tactics book in about 20 years.

Anybody though who is looking for an excellent piece of fiction that is centered, but not exclusively limited to fly fishing could do a lot worse than Joseph Heywood's "The Snowfly".

It's one of the more unique and well written novels I've read in any genre in a long time.

hands down i'd have to say "the river why"
by david james duncan.
No mention of the "movie"???? or should I say the "book"?? Though I have read and enjoyed "The Rver Runs Through it" several times. I really enjoyed Dave Ames book, " True Love and the WollyBugger" if you like Gierach's writing, you will like this book.

I think I will start "The Longest Silence" tonight.

I enjoyed a river runs thru it immensely. But my all time favorite is anything by Pat McManus...god i'm drunk...Way to go Phils!!!
Even though it's quite outdated, I still really like to read my old copy of Vince Marinaro's Modern Dry Fly code every so often.
There's just something about his style of writing that really captures my imagination, unlike most other books I've read.
The fact that old Vince was pretty much a dry fly man, and his writing describes how good the legendary limestoners were back in the day, also makes it good read that I never seem to get tired of
"The Fear of Fly Fishing" by Jack Ohman
But my all time favorite is anything by Pat McManus

I've been reading his stories for years, in fact, I keep renewing Outdoor Life mainly for his Last Laughs.

Though I like many of your choices, my favorite is Traver's "Trout Madness." I think it captures the essence of fly-fishing, esp. the tales "Big Secret Trout" and "The Intruder."
P.S. -- Don't you all just love Ames' title "A Good Life Wasted'?