What is the most buoyant dry fly pattern?

PennKev wrote:
jeremymcon wrote:
Oh! By the way, frog's fanny is your friend when fishing a dry and dropper. That is one product I'm not sure how I could live without now that I know it exists. Just brush some of that powder on a waterlogged fly, blow off the excess, and it'll float like a cork again.

I'm going to have to disagree on the last part. I've never had luck just reapplying Frogs Fanny. Sogged flies need to be dried IMO. Vigorous brushing with FF can get a fly floating again but I think it's best to dry it with desiccant beads or amadou.

I typically pad off the excess water on my shirt, or shake/blow it off the fly. Then apply frog's fanny, really getting that brush and the product down into the fibers of the fly. Works for me, unless the fly gets really badly slimed by a fish. I have been meaning to try dessicant beads, but honestly frog's fanny works so well for me that I haven't yet bothered.

Maybe the difference is in the materials I'm using in my flies? I tie dry flies for droppers with a lot of polypropylene yarn, which doesn't really hold much water in the first place, and I also tend to use synthetic dubbings on dry flies.