What is the dumbest thing you did with a fish on?

When fishing for salmon a couple of years back, I had a bit too much line in my left hand as I was following a drift. A fish hooked itself (a good hook, not a foul hook) and immediately took off. The line in my left hand had wrapped itself around a finger which was not happy when the fish took off. My finger remained less than happy for the remainder of the trip. The fish did not look back.
I gaffed a big King Fish, it jerked me into the gunnel of the boat and tore the gaff out of my hand. Off swam the fish,gaff in it's tail. It swam around the boat and when it came out from under I grabbed the gaff and slung both into the boat . Fish was about 4 ft long and so was the gaff. My friend who fought the fish laughed and said it was funny to watch me getting whipped by a fish . It was his largest and weighed 45 pounds. GG
I cast a nightcrawler over a tree branch when I was about 11 years old once. Of course as soon as the worm hit the water a largemouth sucked it down. I didn't know what to do so I reeled the fish 15 ft in the air over the branch and back to the water. Can't believe it didnt snag on the branch. Landed the fish though however I doubt it was in too good of shape.
Worried about getting my camera ready before landing the fish.No fish and no picture.
Melvin p...did the same years ago while bait fishing for pike. Hooked a big one from the shore at Hopewell lake. Played for some time as he kept making runs and I had to follow along the shoreline. Started to wonder if that guy in the parking lot had a camera and SNAP!
Fell in the water. Somewhere there's a video of me falling in trying to net one too.
Hooked a rockfish at the Naval Academy as the rowing crews were approaching. I told the coxswains to **** off while they yelled at me on their bullhorns to move the boat.

Also had another rock wrap the line around the anchor line. Pulled up anchor and wrapped my hand around the line to pull slack off the fish so I could unravel it. I will never do that again...some of the worst pain I've ever felt.
I don't have any great ones while a fish was hooked. Fought a heron on the Tully once. The story is self explanatory and it wasn't really stupid, just unique.

I have messed up and grabbed the fly line on a big fish or two, with predictable results.

It's ways fun when you set the hook too hard, expecting a big fish, and it's a dink. Soon becomes a flying fish.

Discovered this summer on a saltwater charter that I cannot reel with my right hand. That hand just doesn't work that way, lol. Holding the rod with my left hand isn't much more graceful. Rather embarrassing for an experienced fisherman to not have the fine motor skills to reel in a small Spanish Mackeral on a big spinning rod, with witnesses. Flipped the handle after that, and all was well with the world again.