What is the difference between Ersatz and Chenille?


Active member
Dec 14, 2008
So I was organizing my materials into separate storage boxes and I have a ton of these two materials. What is the difference? Some of the chenille I have looks just like the ersatz i have.🙂
I'm sure the definition may have changed but originally, Estaz (if you meant Estaz not ersatz) is a "chenille" made of 100% Mylar fibers that is VERY flashy.

Chenille in the traditional sense was originally made of cotton or wool, later Rayon and other synthetic fibers with a protruding pile.

Today there is "sparkle" chenille made of both materials and flashy 100% Mylar chenille not branded as Estaz.

That's the reason I sort my body materials by color, not type. To me it doesn't matter what you call it as long as it looks the way you want...
Ersatz = inferior, kind of like my spelling about estaz!

Thanks Bamboozle, make perfect sense. My Estaz is flashy (though I have some flashy chenille, hence the confusion).
Expecting someone to come out with Ersatz chenille now. Market it and maybe able to retire on it! 😂 The sky is the limit when it comes to fly tying materials!
ESTAZ = Longer fibers off the core, generally sparkly.
CHENILLE = tighter rope-like consistency similar to pipe cleaners. It can have sparkle added, but often it doesn't.