What I Know [How to Do] - Me



Active member
Jun 25, 2012
Hey folks,

I just wanted to let you know that my first collection of poetry, What I Know [How to Do], will be released this October and is up for pre-sale here - https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/what-i-know-how-to-do-by-michael-garrigan/

Though not exclusively about fly fishing, the poems center around a connection to mountains, landscapes, and rivers. Each one (25 total) is a different "How to" poem - "How to Catch a Fish," "How to Survive a Blizzard at 8,000 Feet," "How to Run the Rapids at Shocks Mill," "How to Read a Landscape," etc.

I'd be honored if you'd consider adding it to your book shelf or, better yet, bending it in half and keeping it in the back of your fishing vest.



Can't wait until my copy comes in the mail! This dude can write!
Thanks man! I really appreciate it and hope you dig the collection!
Good luck with the book!! I’m sure it was a good feeling to have completed it. I’m sure I’ll crack the spine someday.
Awesome! Thanks acristic. If you do find yourself reading it, shoot me a line and let me know what you think. I’d love to hear your thoughts. On a side note...your travel stories got me antsy so I’m heading out to Yellowstone at the end of the month for some cutthroats. Not sure if I’ll have he time to try and go the challenge, though. Thanks for the inspiration :)