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Many of you know, Jeff......."Mediclimber", as a great contributor to these forum pages.

What some may NOT know, is that besides being a great flyfisherman, he also makes one of the finest "meat sauces/marinades" to ever grace one's epicurean taste buds!?
Recently, he and I "exchanged our personal kitchen arts", by my sending HIM some of my home roasted coffee and HE in turn, sent me, some of his exquisite marinade to try out. Fair enough!

I tried the new marinade, out on freshly butchered Elk steaks tonight, slowly BBQ'd over cherry and alder ash, then added his sauce to the meat, at the proper moment. All was well. Until..... 5 hours, after dinner, I sat down at my tying bench for a quick and relaxing few hours of tying.

Pictured, below, was the first and only, fly I managed to tie under the obvious influence of "something I'd eaten for dinner"!??

"The Elk meat"? or, "The New Marinade?"
(I consumed, NO, alcohol with my meal, before or after)


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That is GREAT!! Since you're from the NW, I might suspect that with the time change, less day light, you are starting to show the early symptoms of cabin fever brought about by the ever present fish-itice. You need to go wet a line soon.

Yeah, but I bet that puppy straightens the line out real quick. Glad you enjoyed the marinade.
So FB, It's been the better part of a day now. Have the strange colors and sounds at least slowed down a bit for you? Oh, it might take at least a day or two more before you get your balance back so don't try to drive for a while. Stairs would be a bad thing too. Anyone else wanna sample the "medic magic marinade"??? :-D
Is there a 'Morel" to this story?
No, Maurice, sorry!
If there was/is a "having a moral to this story" on 90% of the posts on this site, were a prerequisite to posting, I'd imagine every heading and subtopic would fit all on one page.

Nonetheless, Medi, yes the colors have pretty much returned to normal, but I'm still avoiding all stairs and my bride hid my keys, until Saturday she told me. (I, THINK, that's what she said......... her voice sounded so far off and had an echo to it!?).

But, being a dead stop learner, ("Slow learner" passed me up years ago), I DID try it, again tonight on a simple burger and DANGGGGG that stuff's Gooooooooooooood!! Nice job!! And, thanks!
It may have sounded ike i ws blowing my own horn, but m there ism't snything like it on thr msrket to dfompre iy to. not efen anytying close. ait does hafe a terrfic multi layer of flavors that hit the palate at different areas and different times.
Uhhhhhhhhhhh and HOW MUCH, of that "expensive hooch", you're always bragging about, did you consume BEFORE you wrote that last post? OR, did you forget, again, to refrigerate your own sauce, between meals?
Damn medi. I've never gotten a post like that one in after 2am! :-D
Well, there was a single malt scotch sampeling here last night, I think. At least there are enough glasses on the table to account for one. Whe you do a sampling of eight diffent scotches, things tend to go awry when typing. Funny how that happens.
I think what I was trying to convey is about the marinade/sauce. There isn't anythig on the market that compsres to it and it has layes of flavors that hit the palate at differnt areas and diffenrt times. There is a slight heat at the finnish that hits the back of the palate and is just a nice mild warmth that lets you know there were peppers in the mix. Nothing that is screaming hot, just a nice warmth. It took me over twelve years to perfect this sauce and I doubt you will find anything better. You can actually pick out each of the twelve spices at different times when eating it.
I'm acutally thinking of making a fresh batch and putting it up in pint mason jars should anyone want a sample.
Last summer I catered a meeting for the USAR team and the county commisioners, a total of 86 servings, I did a french provisional barbequed chicken with cajun potato salad, roasted carrots and beets and a three bean salad followed by double chocolate mouse in bittersweet and grahm cracker cups and got quite a few comments that the meal was better than sex. I had one helper in the kitchen for that and it could not have gone any smoother.
Which only proves the old adage, Jeff, of "Too many cooks.........".
The meal sounds fantastic and I'm sure, after sampling this sauce of yours, it was every bit as good as you made it sound!!

But, "better than sex"? Uhhhhh, let me think about that a seco...... NOPE! Sorry!! Now, FLY FISHING, yes!! But FOOD? Sorry, old boy, but even we extreme connoisseurs of the "finer epicurean delights", (think: "Cheddar Cheese Whiz smeared on Oreo cookies" and perhaps a jelly glass of "Thursday's MD-20/20!?), have our limits as to what's the top of the heap and what's feasible to believe!?!

I'm not, however, discounting Bob-"plasti cat"-Cambyses, from agreeing with you. I've noticed, that ever since he managed to mooch a pound of my coffee and tried to tradel me a rod and reel combo, by me sending him only two hackles from a decent cape, he's been sort of "hard to find" on this particular site!?

A guy, like that, would probably agree to anything!?
Well, "the saga of the sauce", continues! Or, should that better be stated as; "The sauce saga, continues"? No, wait...................
"Marinade Madness"!!! THAT'S IT!
Tried it again, tonight on homemade Elk sausage, Medi! BBQ'd the sausage, made the eggs "over-easy" on the BBQ's griddle, with added wet cherry wood.

As with the other meats, I've tried so far, this combo of sauce and sausage was great!! In fact, the spices in the Elk sausage I believe, really complimented the marinade more so than with other meats!?!

However............... below is also the end results of waiting less than two hours, after eating your sauce and before sitting down to tie. I was aiming, obviously, for some deer hair mice for tomorrow's bass fishing, but instead, ended up with this new "Road Kill" deer hair fly. I'm HOPING, that the red of the tongue will act as an attractor, perhaps?!!?!


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This was part of the tasting that had me typing like a blithering idiot. But, it was a fun time, so I'm told.
I killed off my doublewood last night. Gonna have to get some more. I honestly didn't have a taste for it over the first few glasses, but it really grew on me.
Welcome to the world of single malts. Each one has its own special taste which is really amazing. When you go to pick up your next bottle you might want to try something different. A word of warning, the oldest ones, 18 years and older, are very expensive. The difference in taste, smothness and finnish are quite obvious and one can get really used to the older ones real quick and blow through a lot of money quicker than my ex-wife.