What dry fly is good for MARCH



New member
Apr 4, 2013
I'm sorta new to fly fishing and was wondering what are some good march dry flies i live in pittsburgh, Pa
I apologize if you have already done the search, but I find searching for "[stream name] hatch chart" usually turns up some good results for me. If the stream isn't available I look for something more popular that is close. I had some good days with Blue Wing Olives in march, but I'm not in the same part of the state. In April I will look forward to Hendrickson's, March Browns, Grannoms etc... My dad always says "show me a fisherman and I'll so you and optimist." Maybe I'm falling into that category right now. I think stone flies are coming off in some places now too. I guess it depends where you are. Best of luck!
J bomb is right............right NOW if you wanna catch one or three on top your best bet is probably a stonefly and it would probably work in nymph , and adult (dry) stoneflies , at least most of our stoneflies crawl out to hatch from a nymph to adult. That is why IMO the nymph and adult are what to concentrate on , especially the adult.
#18 BWO's are the only thing I caught fish on during my few outings last month.
But last year - with the very early spring - I fished to blue quill, quill gordon, hendrickson, and grannom hatches in march.
That was very unusual though
I agree with DFG about the olives. If I could only have one dry fly in March a bwo would be it. I've never had any luck with stoneflies.

#16 elk hair caddis
#22 griffiths gnat

You'll catch fish on those.
For April? Eastern part of Pa w/in Allentown and Philly area
fyguyfi wrote:

#16 elk hair caddis
#22 griffiths gnat

You'll catch fish on those.

Seems all the EHC I own are of poor quality ... can seem to thread the tippet thru the hook b/ of design :-x

Griffith gnats during all of spring

////need a jam soon as I'm think my dry presentation sucks and have only caught trout on nymphs ... WW species don't count ;-)
Stag........For the real small size hooks 22 and smaller try Orvis Big Eye hooks and the new threader they make with the magnet works way better than i ever thought it would.......small flies are fun and sometimes absolutely necessary .......these two things , which were both gifts , i didn't have much faith in either , but i was real wrong.

You could go anywhere in any month and catch a fish on a #16 parachute Adams.

Gary...... come on. I'll sit on the bank and take notes if you show up at the Tully around July 4th and fish the trico hatch with that thing. Before I get my foot too far into my yapper, Josh cleaned house during the trico hatch on a #14 Hendrickson emerger. Make sense of that
right.... :roll: :roll:
If a size 16 parachute adams is not working, try a size 18... If fish are rising, adams will work.