What Constitues A Catch

sandfly wrote:
Counting Coup, was not a hunting act. It was what a warrior did and still does at times to touch an enemy and not kill him during battle. I am native american, and you learn this at an early age. :-D

Is it true that this was always followed by the time-honored, traditional cry of: "NYEH NYEH NYEH NYEH NYEH" ? :)
ryanh wrote:
I don't think it was you, and maybe 1000 was not the number. He sparked some discussions because his number was so large that it was obscene. When I do the math 1000 over the course of a season is not that un-doable if you go a few times a week.

NJ angler.
30 trout per trip? Is there anyone else out there that has fish envy or do I just suck that bad.
I have covered some miles and have few or no fish to show for it. The math is not always as neat as you would like.

It was probably one of the Nale brothers. As I recall they claim to average 100 to 200 every outing. That would make it more like over 10,000 per year.

I marvel at this, but I don't envy it.
troutbert wrote:
sandfly wrote:
Counting Coup, was not a hunting act. It was what a warrior did and still does at times to touch an enemy and not kill him during battle. I am native american, and you learn this at an early age. :-D

Is it true that this was always followed by the time-honored, traditional cry of: "NYEH NYEH NYEH NYEH NYEH" ? :)
Now THAT'S funny! Thanks for the good laugh, Troutbert! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Back on topic, I count it as a catch when I remove the hook.
It has more to do with where you fish then it does anything else. For instance I've heard a lot of folks say the such and such a stream isn't as good as it used to be. If it is a stream that I know I just kinda smile and ask why. Certainly if a stream sees a fair amount of pressure you probably won't catch a lot of fish unless no one is fishing that particular day. On the other hand an unpressured stream should fish well almost anytime unless you splash around and are not generally keeping a low profile. I'm not saying you do either, but many factors make up why on a particular day a stream just doesn't fish well.
New guy here. Hi All! :-D

I don't use a net and try to touch the fish as little as possible, if at all. Usually just grabbing the fly with the forceps and removing it without touching the fish. Obviously, those count. But, I also think about "if I were fishing for food..." In that context I would have a net, so if the fish gets to the point where I could've netted it, it counts. If I've played the fish, even for just a few seconds, and it gets off before it got within netting range, that's a long release. :) If I completely missed the hook set, it's a miss. Granted, some misses are no doubt fish that never even took the fly but turned away at the last second.

Now as to counting, this may sound odd but, just because a fish "counts" as being caught, doesn't mean I keep count. Usually up until say 6-7 fish I remember how many I caught, but after that I loose track and don't really care. By that point it's already been a good day, it's now just a matter of will it be a good day, a great day, a fantastic day...

BTW: Days when I catch nothing are OK days. Any day I go fishing can't be a bad day. :)