What chair for fly tying bench?



Active member
Dec 14, 2008
Hello All -

Not the world's most pressing issue, but my current seat at the tying table is a four legged wooden stool with a flat wood seat that I swiped from somewhere in the house.

I have noticed, however, that I tend to develop back fatigue rather quickly, so I am thinking of getting a stool with a back.

Before I do, does anyone have any other recommendations?

Thanks in advance for your input.
I use a cheap computer chair.
JayL....i use an old computer chair too the one that will go up and down , swivel and rock , buddy gave it to me , i tried alot of different things but this is the best so far. Just for fun i should mention that here at the puter i use a hardbacked Latshaw sp? hickory rocker.............old.
I use a computer chair also but I still get a back fatigue after while. My friend bought a vise extension that moves the vise closer to you and he said that it help relieve his back fatigue a lot.
I think they are around $45.
I used a 4 legged, fixed back comptuer chair becuase I find that for computing, nothing is better for me.

On the other hand, I still get sore from tying. I believe the issue is the placement and height of the vice, and you should investigate that as well as your chair (which doesn't sound like its helping).
Computer chair with a small pillow behind my back.
I'm looking for a dental chair or stool..Dentist know a lot about sitting for long periods at a time..I want what they want; heavy duty comfort..
When I was setting up my fly tying room I went on a mission to find a seat with good back support. I ended up with a plastic chair, similar to the ones I use to sit in when I was in middle and elementary school. It's not padded or anything, but it's been the best seat that I've ever tied it. I have yet to get the soreness in my back that I used to get after a few hours of tying.
I mentioned my dislike for clamp vises in the other thread, but it applies here as well:

My back pain and tying discomfort all but disappeared when I stopped using a clamp vise. I can adjust the pedestal any way I want. I often raise and lower it by putting books under it, and I can slide it around the desk, based on which ever position is most comfortable.
i sit on this :)

(scroll to the bottom)

however, if you have back issues, you might consider a kneeling posture chair. the traditional seated position is actually not a good one for your back.
jayL wrote:
My back pain and tying discomfort all but disappeared when I stopped using a clamp vise. I can adjust the pedestal any way I want. I often raise and lower it by putting books under it, and I can slide it around the desk, based on which ever position is most comfortable.

Its funny you say that, because I'm really considering ditching the pedestal and going back to a clamp, with an extension arm, and seeing how that affects my tying.

I find myself hunched over it, I'd be happy with a pedestal and a riser, but I don't like the book idea, it just seems too tippy to me.
Hi Marquis de Monocacy (the man formerly known as gfen),

Before you ditch the pedestal, try a computer chair that adjusts for height. You can lower the chair until you find a comfortable position to tie.

Or, in your case - put the vise on the floor upstairs directly over where you now sit to tie, and cut a hole in the floor next to it - that ought to be about the right height. ;-)

Seriously - try to get the jaws of the vice about chin level when your sitting down (suddenly, the hole in the floor thing is lookin' pretty good!). I used to get a sore back when tying, and I cured it by getting a cheap computer chair - armless type to allow you to get closer. Something like this.

If you can get to the point where you can rest your elbows on the table without hunching over, you're getting close...
i have something like that but there is only one and if my gf is in it well i have no choice but a hardened wooden stool which is too high i need to reorganize......
I am a big fan of kneeling posture chairs. They are also great for the computer. I bought one online a couple of years ago just for my tying desk for about $ 30. I had to assemble it, but it works great. I have used one of these chairs for the last 20 years and I never have trouble with my back.
I started with an old kitchen chair with a back and found it was not high enough so I built a platform for it. I have to use a lighted magnifier so I needed it high enough to look down at my vice and not have it at eye level. It worked ok but now I built a long bench out of 2 by 4s and put a padded seat on it. It does not have a back and I can sit a long time with no back pain. I have my vice right at the edge of my desk so I am not leaning over to tie, it works out very nice for me.
JayL...........you betcha , when i went from a clamp vise to a pedestal version i noticed right away that the ability to move it around and up and down created the ability to be pain free for much longer sessions just by moving things around a little , i think this is what the Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists call Ergonomics , same thing applies to the chair , the computer chair i use has the max amount of adjustments available in a chair short of ejection.
Have any of you ever seen or heard about the female Dutch tier Torill Korvu sp? Saw her tie one time and she has these slings she fastens to the ceiling that she puts her arms in , the slings suspend her arms in front of her , anyone ever tried this? I never tried it but maybe i will sometime.
osprey wrote:
Have any of you ever seen or heard about the female Dutch tier Torill Korvu sp? Saw her tie one time and she has these slings she fastens to the ceiling that she puts her arms in , the slings suspend her arms in front of her , anyone ever tried this? I never tried it but maybe i will sometime.

Wonder what her bedroom looks like....... :-D
Heritage-Angler wrote:
osprey wrote:
Have any of you ever seen or heard about the female Dutch tier Torill Korvu sp? Saw her tie one time and she has these slings she fastens to the ceiling that she puts her arms in , the slings suspend her arms in front of her , anyone ever tried this? I never tried it but maybe i will sometime.

Wonder what her bedroom looks like....... :-D

Wow Ed (err....i mean "Prince") - had no idea just how dirty your mind was!
trowpa wrote:

Wow Ed (err....i mean "Prince") - had no idea just how dirty your mind was!

I meant her tying area..........oh, nevermind. ;-)

Probably should quit while I'm ahead!