>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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I forget where I saw this pattern? (It's definitely not my idea) ....but it's a good one for a "riffly" water caddis or one that you want to skitter, or use it as an attachment for a dry/dropper rig. Terrific small stream brookie fly.
Dress it up good and it's like a Cheerio. Can't sink it. LOL

No dubbing....just a fine deer hair wrapped body and stubby tip tail that helps float it. Then a deer hair wing of your choice and whatever color hackle you feel like using. You can flash it up as an attractor or blend it to match a hatch.
I just used a dun saddle hackle and dark dun dyed wing over a light dun hair body.....
Brown olive UTC 70 thread gives the body a bit of a smokey olive look.
Makes a nice grannom pattern.
Clip the hackle underneath if you find a picky flat water fish.
Sparkle Pupa 2 1080.JPG

Sparkle Pupa

Over body - Olive antron yarn or Hi-Viz
Underbody - Olive ice dubbing
Shuck - Olive antron yarn or Hi-Viz
Wing - Deer or elk hair
Head - Black dubbing
is that color combo for grannoms? i have had terrible luck finding a grannom emerger that actually works.
I use a Leadwing Coachman for a grannom emerger and a Peacock Trude for the dry. The Peacock Trude is a Chauncey Lively pattern.
Tail-brown and grizzly hackles feathers
Body-peacock herl
Wing-deer hair like a caddis
Hackle- grizzly and brown
Black thread
I usually tie mine in 14 sometimes 16

Sturdy's Fancy

Soft Hackle Wet Fly

Tail - Red yarn
Body - Peacock herl
Hackle - White
It’s awesome to see this thread gain the kind of momentum that it has recently. Lots of great ties being posted for sure! Keep up the good work.

I’ve had a lot of fun behind the vise so far this winter. It’s kind of like the “where’s Waldo?” of fly tying, but certainly an example of why my tying area is always a complete disaster area!! 😉


Fontinalis Fin

Winged Wet Fly

Tail - White
Ribbing - Gold Tinsel
Body - Orange wool
Hackle - Brown and black
Wing - Orange with 2 fibers of black and white married over the top

Reference - Forgotten Flies - Schmookler and Sils

*There are numerous recipes for this fly. I chose the one above.


Honey Pot

Soft Hackle Wet Fly

Barry Ord Clarke

Tail - CDL (Coq de Leon)
Body - 2 moose mane hairs,1 black 1 white
Thorax - Dark brown dubbing
Hackle - Brown speckled partridge


California Coachman

Winged Wet Fly

Tail - Golden pheasant tippets
Body - Peacock herl, yellow floss, peacock herl
Hackle - Yellow
Wing - White



Winged Wet Fly

Tail - Married strips of orange, black and white, repeated twice*
Body - Alternating bands of orange and gray wool
Hackle - Dun
Wing - Orange with 2 fibers of black and white married over the top

*I did not repeat the tailing sequence

Reference - Forgotten Flies - Schmookler and Sils
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