>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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Reckless William 1080.JPG

Reckless William

Hook - Wet Fly

Thread - Black

Tip - Silver tinsel

Tail - Golden pheasant crest

Ribbing - Silver tinsel

Body - White floss

Hackle - Red

Wing - Yellow over black over green duck or goose wing slips, married

From an internet web page photo

Alternate Recipe

Hook - Wet Fly

Thread - Black

Tip - Silver tinsel

Tail - Golden pheasant crest

Ribbing - Silver tinsel

Body - White floss

Hackle - Red

Wing - Black over green duck or goose wing slips, married

Topping - Golden pheasant crest

It is unclear from the web page photo what the yellow band might be

Ilen Blue

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Red
Tail - Red duck or goose quill
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Yellow floss
Hackle - Red or claret
Wing - Blue peacock


From an internet web page photo above


Ilen Blue

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Golden pheasant tippets
Ribbing - Silver tinsel
Body - Blue floss
Hackle - Red or claret
Wing - Bright blue

The Fisherman's Handbook of Trout Flies - Donald Du Bois
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Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Golden pheasant tippets
Body - Gold tinsel
Hackle - Blue
Wing - Red duck or goose quill

Perrault's Standard Dictionary of Fishing Flies - Keith Perrault


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Golden pheasant crest
Body - Silver tinsel
Hackle - Red
Wing - Royal blue duck or goose quill or blue-black mallard

Perrault's Standard Dictionary of Fishing Flies - Keith Perrault


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tip - Gold tinsel
Body - Olive green dubbing
Hackle - Brown
Wing - White duck or goose quill sections

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail -Golden pheasant crest
Ribbing - Fine oval gold tinsel
Body - 1/2 yellow floss & 1/2 black floss
Hackle - Guinea fibers
Wing - White tipped mallard

Perrault's Standard Dictionary of Fishing Flies - Keith Perrault

Golden Butt

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Yellow duck or goose quill segments
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Brown floss
Hackle - Yellow
Wing - Yellow duck or goose quill segments

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Golden pheasant crest
Tag - Peacock herl
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Black dubbing
Hackle - Black
Wing - Black duck or goose quill segments with blue strips up each side

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
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Gray Dolly

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Slate duck or goose quill segments
Ribbing - Silver tinsel
Body - Gray dubbing
Hackle - Dun
Wing - Slate duck or goose quill segments

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Hod Vermilye

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Body - Dark green dubbing
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Slate duck or goose quill segments

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tag - Yellow
Tail - Mallard
Body - Scarlet dubbing
Hackle - Yellow
Wing - Slate duck or goose quill segments

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
Last one for summer



Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Scarlet
Ribbing - Silver tinsel
Body - Claret dubbing
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Light brown turkey or cinnamon

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
Last one for summer



Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Scarlet
Ribbing - Silver tinsel
Body - Claret dubbing
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Light brown turkey or cinnamon

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
What type are you going to do next? Everything I see suggests you’ve mastered tying. Nice work.
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