>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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Productive little dropper pattern, Flashback Zebra Midge

Flight's Fancy 1080.JPG

Flight's Fancy

Hook - Single salmon
Thread - Red or black
Tail - Brown hackle fibers
Ribbing - Flat silver tinsel
Body - Yellow wool yarn
Hackle - Brown
Wing - White duck or goose quill

Steelhead Fly Tying Manual
Regarding wood duck, does anyone know a good source to purchase it? All I seem to find is mallard flank.
i haven't bought any in years, i'd think it's pretty available tho.
i saw some in Stockards catalog. they're pricey feathers these days.
find a duck hunter...
50-some years ago, I ran into an old guy a few times while fishing the upper reaches of Slate Run. Back then it was not uncommon to come across anglers who kept their fish, some of whom carried a wicker basket to keep those fish in. So it was with that old gentleman.

Each time I met this fellow and asked how he was doing, he’d open his wicker basket and show me the trout he’d caught - Always more, and larger, fish than I caught.

Then when I’d ask what he had caught them on his answer was always the same. “Royal Coachman”, he’d say, that’s the only fly he ever used. His fly boxes were filled with them, and he always fished them downstream with his rod tip held high so that only the fly touched the water.

I never knew his name, but my friend that I fished with at the time and I called him “Royal Coachman.”

In memory of Royal Coachman, I tied this fly today, a Royal Coachman Emerger. I’m sure he never heard of one being tied quite like mine and called an Emerger. I wonder what he’d say?

i haven't bought any in years, i'd think it's pretty available tho.
i saw some in Stockards catalog. they're pricey feathers these days.
find a duck hunter...
See if you can find a neighbor who thought it was a good idea to start raising Mandarin ducks during the COVID lockdown.
i haven't bought any in years, i'd think it's pretty available tho.
i saw some in Stockards catalog. they're pricey feathers these days.
find a duck hunter...
Thanks for the info, most appreciated
See I get that far and insist on putting hair on top of that. No self control.😉
It’s all good, Tom. It’s just a “cdc” caddis no need to introduce any amount of frustration by piling hair on top of it. I think it’ll fish just fine and it’s a pretty simple tie. Trying to keep it simple.
wood duck is very hard to raise. tried it once lost them and they never laid eggs. have to build special pens for them and keep animals away. same for jungle ****.
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