>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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whipped up some bully bluegill spiders to play with the feeesh in our pond.
Bully Bluegill Spider.JPG
Nice that those bugs are on barbless hooks. Bluegills really tend to hork down flies. Sometimes you can't see the end of the tippet in there.
Some of the freebies i got from Adirondack Fly Company at the last Fly Tying Symposium
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Nothing fancy. Just some WTH flies. Maybe the smallmouth in Ontario will like them.

This one is a 1/2 and 1/2 version of an Estaz Bug. Normally, I tie it with just an estaz body and usually on a size 6 hook.


Hook: Ahrex Traditional Shrimp size 4

Thread: Color to match body, in this case, white and chartreuse

Weight: 6 to 8 wraps of medium size lead in the center of the shank

Tail: Marabou w/ 6 strands of crystal flash(color to match body

Body: Small flexi Squishenille twisted with estaz and trimmed to shape

Head: UV resin(white or chartreuse)

General idea of the original was to imitate a Mr. Twister grub

Another variation of a Mop fly. Fished as a streamer. With the tail the flies are about 3 inches long



Hook: Gamakatsu B10S size 4

Thread: Color to match body

Weight: Unweighted

Tail: Marabou color to match body

Body: long mop piece

Thorax: crystal or sparkle chenille

Head: Stonfo Soft Head #2

Eyes: 7 mm Living Eyes

Color on Fire Tiger pattern, permanent marker

This one was real hard to tie.

Soft Foam Floater


Hook/Body: Soft Foam Body, size 2

Thread: Color to match body

Weight: Unweighted

Tail: Marabou w/ a couple of wraps of small crystal chenille to cover shank.

Originally brought the bodies to use for walleye on my Ontario trip. Normally fished behind a sinker with either a leech or piece of night crawler attached. Keeps the bait off the bottom.

Figure I can use them as top water or fish them off an intermediate or sink tip line. If they don't work as flies, we'll just use them like they're supposed to be used.
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