>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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Maine Jungle

Tail - Brown mallard
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Claret dubbing
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Brown mallard

The Fisherman's Handbook of Trout Flies - Donald DuBois

Sir Sam Darling

Tip - Brown floss
Tail - Brown
Body - White chenille
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Gray

The Fisherman's Handbook of Trout Flies - Donald DuBois

The Flagger

Tail - Gray
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Yellow floss
Hackle - Grizzly
Wing - Gray

The Fisherman's Handbook of Trout Flies - Donald DuBois

Lemon Fish Hawk

Tail - Badger
Ribbing - Gold
Body - Yellow floss
Hackle - Badger


Red Fish Hawk

Tail - Grizzly
Body - Red floss
Hackle - Grizzly

The Fisherman's Handbook of Trout Flies - Donald Bu Bois
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ugly hook.JPG

even mustad sends along an ugly duckling every now and then 😁
not enough to worry about.
it happens from time to time with all hook manufacturers
^^^^----You gotta ge better with the photo touchup software and blur out those legs.....or at least have your wife\GF do the pose for that photo!!----^^^^ 🙂

Olive Biot Soft Hackle

Body - Olive turkey biot
Thorax - Gray dubbing
Hackle - Hungarian partridge


Brown Biot Soft Hackle

Body - Brown turkey biot
Thorax - Brown dubbing
Hackle - Hungarian partridge


Gray Biot Soft Hackle

Body - Gray turkey biot
Thorax - Gray dubbing
Hackle - Hungarian partridge
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The Grizzly Bear

Atlantic Salmon

Jean-Claude Dupras

Hook - Mustad 3906, size 8
Thread - Black
Body - Gray wool
Wing - Guinea hen
Hackle - Grizzly
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