>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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BWO Parachutes
For when they are eating small....

Hook: Daiichi 1110 size 20 and 22 (big eye for us with bad eyes)
Thread: UNI 8/0W Olive
Tail: Coq de Leon
Body: Thread
Thorax: Superfine Grey Olive Dubbing
Post: Medium Dun Antron
Wing: Light Dun Hackle

Hopper parachute when they want something a little bigger.


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How do you tie those legs? Very cool.
Just tie an overhand knot in the PT fibers. Form a loop and reach through with forceps to grab the tips and pull them through the loop. I put a little sally hansons on the tips to keep the individual fibers together on just the tips.
What material is the worm?
It’s just an old card of ultra chenille type material that I’ve had for a long time. I’m not sure what brand it is. I just like the color of it. It’s kind of a brownish tan tone. I singe the end of it with a lighter to make it more durable.
Half and Half's and Mikkelson's Baitfish

Half and Half tied on saltwater streamer hooks in sizes 2-1/0.
White hackle, mirage flashabou, krystal flash, flat pearl body braid, and bucktail.

The baitfish are tied on Ahrex SA280, short shank saltwater hook, in size 2.
White and tan bucktail, stick-on eyes, flat pearl body braid, red krystal flash for the gills, mirage flashabou to bind the bucktail down, and Solarez medium UV resin.

Did well with both of these patterns on Long Island the other day. Lost a bunch to bluefish, forgot to bring wire tippet...

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