How do you tie those legs? Very cool.Hopper parachute when they want something a little bigger.
Can I delete this, don't know why I posted, looks like crap
Just tie an overhand knot in the PT fibers. Form a loop and reach through with forceps to grab the tips and pull them through the loop. I put a little sally hansons on the tips to keep the individual fibers together on just the tips.How do you tie those legs? Very cool.
You can also use a small knitting needle with the "hook" part to grab the fiber once you make the loop.How do you tie those legs? Very cool.
What material is the worm?My spin on a Montana’s Hybrid Carp Fly. What fish isn’t all over peacock herl and grizzley hackle? Stick a worm out the back of it and it’s quickly becoming a confidence carp fly for me. They just eat it!
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It’s just an old card of ultra chenille type material that I’ve had for a long time. I’m not sure what brand it is. I just like the color of it. It’s kind of a brownish tan tone. I singe the end of it with a lighter to make it more durable.What material is the worm?
IMO, a 9’ 8 weight is a great set up for carp. It’ll give you a bit extra backbone if you happen to get into a really big fish.This just might be how I kill my summer. 😆
Do I go with the 10-7 or the 9-8?
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Canoeing down the Battenkill in a few days. Hoping these are crittergetters on top