Wet wading...what date is generally your first time out for the year?

...just wish i could find a great wet wading boot/shoe. i used crocks for a long time but got sick of pebbles, tried the neoprene sock with my normal wading boots but after my trip i thought my skin was gonna drip off my feet...

Just a Neoprene sock???

I wear my regular wading shoe because I want the same support & protection year round...

On my bare feet are heavy wool socks, over the heavy wool socks are thick Neoprene guard socks, then my wading shoes. Over 20 years of using this method and I've had no issues.

FWIW - When I do wear waders or hippers it's a heavy wool sock, the Neoprene bootee and then my wading shoe so the fit is the same year round as well.
I’m in the never camp. Forever chemicals, ticks, flesh eating bacteria, nope not for me.
Im in the boat with the rest of you never wet waders. I don't like being wet.
Just a Neoprene sock???

I wear my regular wading shoe because I want the same support & protection year round...

On my bare feet are heavy wool socks, over the heavy wool socks are thick Neoprene guard socks, then my wading shoes. Over 20 years of using this method and I've had no issues.

FWIW - When I do wear waders or hippers it's a heavy wool sock, the Neoprene bootee and then my wading shoe so the fit is the same year round as well.
i wore my regular socks inside the neoprene socks and then wading boots. im always open to be educated if theres a better way.
I mean no offense by this, but that sounds like paranoia to me. The odds are so slim. Thousands and thousands of people wet wade and swim in rivers all of the time and the vast majority are fine. I'm assuming you don't swim in state park swimming areas of lakes either.

Plus, you probably know of people who died in car wrecks, but you still drive. Driving is a helluva lot more dangerous than wet wading.
I wear permethrin treated clothes when wet wading when water temps are in the 70s (small mouth fishing).
I agree with jfigz that we all do much more risky things for our health than wet wading - driving, eating fatty foods, overweight/hypertension, etc.
When it gets REALLY gross and hot out during the worst of summer, even the pools and lakes are usually too warm to feel refreshing. When it gets that bad I usually ditch the fishing gear altogether and head for the Breeches and enjoy a good swim in some of the deeper holes. Very satisfying.

I once hiked a section of the Appalachian Trail during a wicked hot summer. Between the heat/ humidity and the exertion I was prob pretty close to heat stroke. Providence led me to a beautiful little mountain brook trout stream. I found a nice pool about three feet deep, stripped down, and enjoyed the absolutely best bath of my life. It was pure ecstasy. After a bit the brookies even ventured out to inspect my toes. Cool experience. Sorry to sidetrack the thread a bit, but I basically just wanted to express how much I love a good cold stream.
May 24th this year, but it depends on how deep the wade, especially an early AM crossing or something.
Usually June.
strange to me how many guys are worried about wet wading. very strange. its just water up to your knees. a fish can survive in it, but your worried about your well being...plenty of other things killing you daily then some river water touching your legs, like brake dust. brake dust is everywhere and yes you are breathing brake dust in your body on a daily basis.
April for me. I am wet wading as soon as I can although I don't mind waders. I am also a bit weird I think.
Some part of me enjoys getting my legs scratched to **** by thorns and grass, being a bit cold, and wearing old sneakers that have limited traction. All just feels like part of the fun to me.
Right around now when I start fishing for smallmouth, am mostly in the water and wear quick drying pants. Even if summer trout fishing I wear hip boots because of the weeds and ticks.
i wore my regular socks inside the neoprene socks and then wading boots. im always open to be educated if theres a better way.
I wear nothing under my neoprene socks... Just my barefoot. Wearing socks under neoprene seems weird to me..
I wear nothing under my neoprene socks... Just my barefoot. Wearing socks under neoprene seems weird to me..
wet waded the delaware for smallies two days ago, first wet wade of the year. i do put a pair of socks under my neoprene booties just to fill my wading boot a bit more and i wear quick dry full length pants for scrambling through poison ivy and such.
Protects the neoprene from toenails,and makes the booties easier to get on/off.
Why do I need to protect the neoprene from my toenails? They aren't keeping me dry. If they got a hole in them, other than being uncomfortable, it doesn't really matter.

The neoprene socks provide that wet suit effect which is huge. It helps keep the feet warm in those cold streams in the summer.
The neoprene socks provide that wet suit effect which is huge. It helps keep the feet warm in those cold streams in the summer.
I use neoprenes myself and agree about keeping the feet warm. However, I'm mot wild about having holes in any socks, let alone expensive ones.
The why not in my case is because I've been worn a hole in neoprene booties from my toes or toenails. I've never worn a hole in a pair ever, actually..
I haven't either, but I wear socks just for insurance. Plus it's a little more cushion for my aging feet. :)
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You would think its January to be having an argument about wearing socks under your neoprene booties.