West Branch - springtime trip

Yes Chaz, everybody is talking about a guided float on the West Branch of the Perky. SMFH
Shane, I think the best defense is to ignore his ignorant obvious troll.
Troll? Lmao very lame attempt. Some people should stick to catching 4 inch brookies.
Never stayed at the WBA but split three ways as we do, and with a breakfast layout thrown in, I have to believe the drc is competitive with Capra. Don't let "club" fool you. It's an old motel. People at Capra and drc have been very helpful,over the years.
I've stayed at WBA. Classy place but you pay for it. If money is not an option I recommend it.
May even want to try just staying at the capra and renting a boat from WBA. They get about $125 a day. The river is easy to float, fishing can be difficult at times but there is alot of info out there about the river. Weamer's book is really good place to start for general info. Plus there is a lot of people on here who could give you some info. In general fish can be caught on the general nymph patterns most of the time and spinners in the evening are always productive. If you can row a boat and have atleast basic fishing skills a guide isn't always necessary. However any of the guides listed above would be good options.
HelpfulChaz wrote:
Chaz wrote:
Hm? Wonder what West Branch, maybe the West Branch of the Schuylkill, WB Perkiomen, WB Clarion, WB Penobscot.......

I'm sorry. What I meant to say was that if you're looking to fish the West Branch of the Delaware (since I'm no idiot and can thus can deduce a location based on context clues), I'd recommend staying at the Capra Inn. Gene is a friendly, even cheeky fellow who has always been accommodating. The location is great too being relatively centrally located to many of the popular fishing destinations of the West Branch.

I'm sorry but I don't have any recommendations on guides. Enjoy your trip and tight lines!

Welcome to the board HC! We could use more posters like you around here.
Just wish i could be as all knowing as some of the members who commented on this thread.
Couldn't agree more with Border Waters recommendation. Have had at least one trip a year with them for several years. great experiences, even when the weather wasn't the best. Hancock Hotel is nice as well
Thirty years on that river doesn't make you all knowing but helps. Don't think about learning boat handling during Hendrickson hatch. Lot of nice guys could get testy in those big game land pools. Great years when we had the trailer at the drc campground but hurricaine Ivan ended that. There are hatches on the west branch all season long. Follow the release level and temps not air temp. You can be sweating our bu** off and be fishing some member of the sulphur family. Fall is great. Fished BWO's off the shehawken ramp for six hours taking a break for lunch in town. Some days you can't catch a fish under 16 inches. Great place.......let's keep it to our selves. Mums the word.
Bwhat a bunch a jerks! For all anyone knows he could have been asking about the West Branch of Fishing Creek, The West Branch of the Flathead River, or the West Branch of the Delaware, I asked a legit question!
It is ok to catch and eat the little brook trouts, for they have no feelings.
Hmmm, West Branch: I thought Delaware and I have only been there once. I plan to go a couple of times this year.
To my knowledge there is no "West Branch" of the Flathead River. There is a North Fork and a South Fork. And of course the Middle Fork.
I prefer the Tenkada ninja style brookie fishing. Especially for the fingerling sized brookies. Excellent with daily bread. IMHO.

JC Tenkada!
There is absolutely noting wrong with hiring a guide, and if you have the money then do it, but to me there is nothing more rewarding then exploring and figuring things out on your own especially on the WB. That river along with the EB, and mainsteam would take a lifetime to learn and even then you wouldn't know everything.
