West Branch...fly only?

The coffin flies were moving up the East Branch over the weekend. They were on Thursday at Jaws in the town of East Branch, but not on Friday. The rest of the weekend they were all over the lower East Branch tailwater and only started at 9:30 to 10 PM. Some real pigs were landed, but fishing in the dark with slurping and guppling going on all around is tough. Fun though.
The weather over the weekend was beautiful for sure but I could imagine your frustration with the overcrowded river. I want to just kayak the river up that way to scope out spots at some point. How low was the water and what is ideal for the WB?
Saturday was bright sun which doesn't help get the fish rising. I hung around Cadosia looking for risers and there weren't many. On Saturday, I tried to time the float to miss most of the guide traffic and failed. Overlapping hatches, random rises mid day. I couldn't get one to take. I sat there for 2 hours watching 2 pigs eating march browns. Confirmed with binoculars. They refused every pattern I pu over them for 2 hours. Hatch changed to sulphurs and grey fox....same story. Stung 5-6 on an emerger due to quick hookset. Dead for a few hours then stenos before dark and ruusty spinners on water. No rises until I couldn't see then it broke loose and continued to whiff.

Bass, what is the perfect flow? Ask 10 people and you're going to get 10 answers. Also, why float w/o gear? Pick a short section, take all day and really go over it. Before passing another boat or wader, you need to look and make sure which way they are fishing. Cross on the wrong side and you will get crucified. Nothing like a 70 yr old woman dropping F bombs on you to brighten your day. LMAO. Many pools have a distinct foam line. The fish set up shop in the conveyor belt of food. Float down the middle of it and will also get yelled at. Fun times. :-D