West Branch...fly only?



Jun 7, 2013
When I fish the main stem of the Delaware for smallmouth and shad, there seems like such a mix of people and types of fishermen on the river. I never hear that about the West Branch or East Branch. Are these rivers almost fly fishing only or do you guys actually see the occasional spin fisherman/recreational fisherman on the water? Just curious and thought I would ask...

Down by Zane Grey on the main stem is crazy at this point with people in canoes, on tubes, etc. It is still fun to fish with the confluence of the Lackawaxen for whatever bites, but now through August are really busy on the water.
I have seen an occasional spin fisherman on the WB. But it's probably like 99% flyfishermen on that river. Likely due to the fact that it's just about the best fly fishing stream in the eastern USA
I've seen spin on all 3 sections. The WB does have a fly only section starting a Rt 17 bridge and down for 2 miles (I think). Lots of walleye fisherman on main at times. Saw a 5+ pound smallie taken on minnow last June.

Just had the nephews and their dad up for 4 days. They threw spin rods for a few thousand casts....2 walleye, 1 shad, 1 chub and a 8" brown. They gave up on spin rods after the second day. More taken on flies by far. I did watch a minnow fisherman go through Methodist pool in th early 90's. I witnessed him catch / release 12-15 fish between 17"-22" in about an hour. Can it work? Yes but it's like peeing on a grave.....not considered the right thing to do. :-D

I'll also add this..........

You live close and I've extended an invite almost every trip up in the last 6+ months. I'm not an expert on the river by any means but I think I could assist you in bug ID, access, reading water and we've offered to take you on some floats. It took me 24-25 years to learn what I know about the system and I'm pretty open at sharing it. If it cuts your learning curve, take the help. If you want to do it all on your own, log as many "on river" hours as you can over the next 5 years. You'll get to see about 1/2 of what the river has to offer. We'll be back at it this weekend.
You are headed back up this weekend Andy?

My buddies KILLED it with spinning rods in the area you described above in the beginning of May
I was just merely asking...I thought the section by Hales Eddy was fly fish only past West Branch Angler down to Balls Eddy and never in the few times I was there did I see anyone but fly guys.


Believe me, I want to get up there with you guys very much but this weekend, I am supposed to fish with a few guys from work so maybe I can convince them to fish the river (though they are not much into fly fishing so that would rule against this whole thread). My schedule is pretty nuts plus we have a toddler as well so I am trying to balance dad-time, work, sports, etc. (I know...excuses, excuses). Throughout the year, I also coach during the fall and spring, and my wife coaches during the winter so we are very busy. I am not that great of a fly fisherman compared to probably the many on here (who go up to the jam) who have been fly fishing for many years so I might be the rookie of the bunch (with less than 3 years experience).

I will however be on the West Branch June 17 through Border Waters out of Hancock (via Joe) and the guided trip my wife bought me. I am really pumped for that trip and I hope to get into some good fish! I would love to catch my first fish 20" or over...

Any idea what's hatching at this point up there?

Will you be there Sunday?
Yes. Fishing all day Saturday, all day Sunday and til at least noon on Monday. Shoot me email or text. I'll give you some ideas to try during your trip w/ Joe D. Looking at current radar, there might be issues. Low was to run closer to PA / MD line. Looks to be further north and heavy rain tonight is a distinct possibility. Should be fishable by Saturday though and big bugs in muddy water might be the ticket.

Good caster, bad caster or whatever. I'm sure somebody can point out error or give you a fix for casting problems. We all have them so don't be shy. If you hon me in the face, be nice enough to apologize. Lmao
There are almost no fly only areas in NYS (fly sections of the Salmon R a notable exception). The No Kill sections of the West Branch and Beaverkill are artificials only, not fly only. I guess much like PA, it is not politically viable to restrict most streams to fly only so the regulations are artificials only.

That said, 95% of the people fish flies at the No Kill areas. Spinning tactics can be very effective for large fish eating browns, but lets not go there on this site.
Good catch Jeff. I simply associate special regs with ff-ing only which is my mistake. I've seen guys chucking spinners in the BK but never saw one of them hook up.

Bass, If you were going up with some spinner buddies, check the regs. I looked for something reading 'single hook' or 'barbless hook' but can't find that language anywhere on DEC website.

On Sunday if all goes well, I may take the drive up there to meet you guys if you are around. Are you out all day or are you up at the break of dawn and then take the afternoon off and fish the evening?
BB I would take Kray up on the offer...there is much to gain in his vast knowledge of the system....getting on the river early is a whole 'nother issue though, even Ines was busting balls on how late we got out haha
Sunday.....not sure if we'll do a double dip or just a late morning (late morning turns into a 2pm launch real quick). You still have my number? If not, email me and I'll get it to you. Do you have any type of watercraft? We are pontooning and don't think there are any empty seats.

Launching at 5:15 tomorrow morning! How about that? Short morning float...nap....back out after lunch. We never got back to the room before 10pm and then sat there eating and drinking until 2am. I was up at 6 to walk the dog and then sat on porch for hours waiting for everyone. I wasn't allowed to go back in room / keep opening the door as it bothered my roomie who said "I know you can't control the sun but you don't need to keep going in and out. I'm on vacation and want to sleep in". WTF!?!?

No boat that I could take with me...my own boat is too big for the river in the West Branch. I should have changed plans the last time and joined you guys...darn!
Got $150? There's one sitting on the motel lawn for sale

Pm me your number and/or email in case I do sneak up there Sunday. Good luck up there!
Just saw this now. My PM is non operational. My email is under my profile
Meh. Frustrating might sum it up. Saturday morning I hooked 7-8 on nymphs and landed one. That afternoon we went in search of big bows and succeded. Stimey stung a nice one on a rusty spinner and I got one on nymph. My fish taped between 18.5" - 18.75". I think stimeys was bigger though. Might have ha 6 fish that afternoon. Sunday was filled with unwanted drama (similar to middle school girls). Floated w/ stimey and the river was jammed. I think he had a pic of one pool with 6 driftboats anchored and a good dozen waders. Multiple / overlapping hatches left me head scratching. Just before dark, every fish was up feeding. Whiffed multiple times as its not easy to see a rusty spinner ...at 40'....when the clock reads 9:30pm. Waved the white flag and rowed out after stopping and talking w/ wbranch

We had blue bird skies and lower flows which didn't help. Should have floated main. Those guys didn't get back to motel until 11:30pm so it must have been pretty hot.