West Branch Codorus



New member
May 2, 2017
Does anyone have any information on how the west branch codorus was fishing since the flooding last year.
I assume that you mean the Codorus, as hardly anyone fishes the West Branch. The West Branch has about a quarter mile of water between Lake Marburg's dam and its mouth at the main stem of Codorus Ck (the Trophy Trout stretch). There is also a short piece of the West Branch above Lake Marburg. Have not heard anything negative about the Codorus since last year, but you can be probably be assured of more erosion and some new or changed holes, along with a good chance of seeing more in-stream log jams and felled trees.
Yes. I was speaking of the trophy trout section, thanks for your reply. I didn’t realize that was just considered the Codorus.
It's a common misnomer in York Co. I always suspected that it came from the old County PennDot maps that showed Codorus Ck inaccurately being called the West Branch. Most of the actual West Branch was inundated by Lake Marburg. In fact, Lake Marburg's dam was built across the West Branch.

Good luck with the fishing in the Codorus. It is a great spot and sometimes makes people wonder why they even bother to drive an extra distance to the Yellow Breeches, especially when they have witnessed a Codorus electrofishing survey.
The Codorus is doing fine. In my opinion, the flooding did more good than harm. It gave it a much-needed flushing, got rid of tons of silt and exposed much better substrate. It also got the weed growth back under control, opening up areas that had not been worth fishing for years. Still plenty of woody debris, cover, etc. left too. Should be a decent year this year.
To add to confusion in that area, there are two signs at bridges on the Codurus (smoketown rd and near Brodbecks) that misname the creek "west branch Codorus creek" and "east branch Codorus creek"
Thanks for the info, I fished above the sawmill last evening before the rains. I had a few hits and landed 1 thick brown.
In SE Pa I have probably seen more of those stream name signs improperly placed than correctly placed. Typically they have been erected on a small trib. Quality control has been problematic in many cases..
You would think that because the PF&BC has jurisdiction over the waters of the commonwealth that they would be making the directive toward correct placement. Or at least the townships and conservation districts that place the signs would at least confirm the accuracy of their efforts.
Im not sure if there was any serious damage done. All I know is I have yet to see any signs of the sulphers. Two springs ago the hatch was pretty darn good from mid april till almost june. Now havent seen a single one yet. Still early to call a total bust though. Was just over last night also.
On a side note the stream is really a gem. I often called it PA's best kept secret. So go fish her it you wont regret it.