Welcoming Spring, "Central" Style



Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007
Last year, I remember fishing BWOs on Spring in early March. This year, I found one solitary fish feeding on BWOs in early March but managed a few fish on nymphs. I was back in Centre County a few days after Spring arrived, with her snow, and water levels were perfect. I fished a different stream, and the BWOs were coming off. Fish were aggressively chasing emergers in the slower water of the pools. I was planning to night fish, and somehow managed to forget my box of BWOs, so I had to use much larger emergers, of the wooly bugger variety. Still had a good outing and still digging the variety of spot patterns and colors in wild browns.


One of the sparsest spotted fish I have ever caught:

Ragged tail


Surprise of the day, 14" and fat and the photo masks the bright crimson stripe down it's side:

Dark and skinnier

The only down side of the day was finding a leak in my hippers, after about the second step in the stream. The previous outing, I had found a leak in my wading pants, so I figured since I didn't get a chance to patch them, I stay dry and could get away with the hippers. Wrong.

After fishing, I stopped at a pizza joint on the way home. Special of the day was stromboli and a soda. A good way to finish off a good afternoon.

Looks like a good outing and nice pics as always. BWOs are such a great hatch to fish up there, to bad you forgot that box!

Didn't see the difference in the title at first- thought the forum or your computer goofed and somehow posted a reply as a new topic...lol.
I'm more concerned with where you caught that Stromboli.
Nice Browns, Bow, and boli.

As pwiggelz mentioned...any reason not to spotburn that establishment? That boli certainly appears to be a gem.
Congrats on a nice looking batch of early season wild browns, and yes, nice pics as usual. Can a bit jealousy be blamed for only 4 or 5 replies to this thread? lol
nice!! I was thinking about making my way up there but things came up so now I plan on going out there in 2 or 3 weeks. It is good to hear that the fishing is picking up!
That second one is a real beauty. All nice fish though.
I'm new here. I want to say that these are quite spectacular photos.