weird week of fly fishing



Active member
May 24, 2011
Last week was one of the weirdest weeks I've experienced. at the beginning of the week many bugs hatching but only an odd fish rising. OK so they're feeding under so i fished the nymphs in places where I know fish were and have caught them in the past - very few fish caught/hooked. Was on a stream with great cream cahill hatch and even a few green drakes drifting by - no visible rises. Watched a drake dun drift 60 yards over known fish (caught them later) and nothing ate it. went under with nymphs - 2 fish. put on a caddis pupa and soft hackle - boom caught quite a few. the odd thing was no visible caddis on the water or in the air. Was at Spring creek last Tues - a few sulphur hatching but agian no rising fish. fished the dark nymph and caught only 2 in 4 hrs, I usuakllly have better luck than that.. Great spinner fall with a bunch of sulphur spinners - only 3 rising fish and caught 2 of them - no others rising, stayed til after dark. Maybe i was just in the wrong spot but to have this happen on 3 different streams was kinda weird for me. anyone else experience odd fish - bug activity?
Fished pretty strange conditions yesterday on 2 different rivers. Just erratic behavior by the fish, who were largely not looking up.
I fished the week before that - mostly on the little j.
And it wasn't great either. Although, despite nice stream levels, the weather probably contributed. Bright sunshine and wind - with temps near 90 of much of that week.
However, it did cool down that weekend with overcast skies - same weekend as the jam.
And though things improved some, it still wasn't what I would have expected at this time of year.

But my timing hasn't been very good all spring - weather and hatch wise. Thought it was just me having a so-so year, but maybe not
Water Temp? Solanar Table ? GG
As fishermen have been saying forever-should have been there [fill in blank].
We have all had plenty of those days-easily forgotten
And a few when we WHERE THERE. never forgotten.
Some times I felt streams were fished out then there would be a shocking report and realized maybe I wasn't quite there.Fresh or saltwater they do just shut down at times.Actually good for the sport-it's a challenge not a given..

You just can't predict it you never know what's gonna happen but it always could be the next cast.
I get frustrated during hatch season, my expectations increase to unrealistic levels
temps have been up and down too quickly i think.

one 24 hour period here, we went from 91F to 62F !