Weaving flies

It's good stuff, being six strand you can untwist it and just use a couple and weave some pretty small stuff. My wife some time ago came home from a yard sale with a whole box of it had to have been at least 60 to 80 envelopes with two to three of each color in it. It was even in numerical order and the color written on the outside of each envelope. She scored for me big time. I think she paid two or three dollars for it. :-D
Yes, That's the stuff you weave. To build bulk, or a smooth underbody to weave over, you can use uni stretch or bulky nylon (sorry, it's bulky not bulk). I just bought this role at Joanne's last week. Maybe it's only in certain stores.
I looked that store over good and proper, that would have caught my attention. This one must not have it. Bummer. Thanks Mike.

This is a size 16 I did a while ago, I think I used two strands of each color of the dmc floss on it. I was hoping you could see it better than you can.