
Jun 9, 2007
June 2d and not a report from Hancock? When did that last happen? I’ll be there next week so sure....it’s gonna rain. Hey, I have a rain jacket.
JohnPowers wrote:
June 2d and not a report from Hancock? When did that last happen? I’ll be there next week so sure....it’s gonna rain. Hey, I have a rain jacket.

Yeah, I've been fishing it for a long time, I can't recall the dam (both dams, actaully) spilling over right through May. The river has been too high for wading until now. And they still are seeing some hendrickson hatching...that's how late things are up there!

The fishing could be great up there if you hit it right......bugapalooza!! > troutapalooza!! Post a report.
It has been fishing as good as I've seen it since the beginning of may.
Here's a report from June 2nd. 19 fish in the net. At least that amount of fish hooked and lost or broken off. Can't say I recall it being that crazy up there in a long time. Some pools had 150 fish rising in them as well as 11 to 15 boats. Don't forget to add a dozen Wade fisherman. Kind of soured my taste on it
There were so many bugs on the water that the entire River look like a scum line. Unfortunately it was also gridlock. There were March Brown and then big olives and then grey fox and Cahill's and then three types of Caddis and then more marks Brown and then some stoneflies and then more catus and then tiny olives followed by a few Drake's and then sulfur Blizzard at dusk. You better have everything you own with you. I almost forgot the slate drakes mixed in with midges, craneflies and the kitchen sink. LoL
krayfish2 wrote:
There were so many bugs on the water that the entire River look like a scum line. Unfortunately it was also gridlock. There were March Brown and then big olives and then grey fox and Cahill's and then three types of Caddis and then more marks Brown and then some stoneflies and then more catus and then tiny olives followed by a few Drake's and then sulfur Blizzard at dusk. You better have everything you own with you. I almost forgot the slate drakes mixed in with midges, craneflies and the kitchen sink. LoL

Lol....it all happened at once > bugapalooza > fishapalooza > fishermenapalooza!! Good stuff, Andy.
Yes, the 2nd was insane. I think I was last out of buckingham.

I'm sure many people have had days on the salmon river (for example) where fish are stacked so thick all you really have to do is lift your rod up during your drift and you hook a fish. Saturday evening was the equivalent of that with a dry fly - although I think I got into my backing more between 8 and 9pm saturday than I ever did at the salmon river.
Did you see a snow camo boat with two guys in it? If so, that was me and my nephew. I think we took out around 9:15
Yes, I'm pretty sure I saw you guys . I was in an old red blue and white clacka with one other person.
Ok. I believe you were at the top of junction and we were closer to the tailout when we saw you. Did you happen to see the guy chasing lampreys with his net right where the WB meets junction pool? I assume that's what he was doing all hunched over and running. We heard him yelling after we were in mid pool and assume he'd bagged an eel or shad by hand. LoL
We were on the lower east Saturday the 2nd and landed 8 and lost just as many. Unfortunately not as much bug activity as the main, most were on nymphs and the occasional swung streamer from the spey rod. Water was super off color due to the late Tstorms Friday. So all in all we had a terrific day, and didnt see a single other boat all day.... I'll take that over bumper boats and a million rising fish any day.

Floated sewage to balls on Sunday and didnt find a whole heck of a lot going on. Did you guys fish Sunday? If so how did you find things?
Saturday, floated from Turner's on lower EB to Buck. We must have been out ahead of you. Put in at 9:15 abd had rising fish right away....all the way to the junction. Hooked 5 by Cadosia on top. Sunday we did do a WB float at first light and only hooked up twice. No bugs to speak of but we were off the water by 10:30.
Nice! I assume its a private launch by Turners? I've been doing Fishs eddy or the Beaver del to Cadosia the last few weekends and have been productive. We didn't really have rises until mid day and they were super sporadic. Later on a few sulphurs and march browns were spotted.

Sunday was odd. One rainbow in a riffle early on a nymph, then not much going on bug wise all day until late afternoon. Seems like a few hendricksons, march browns, and around #22-24 olives. Couldnt buy a fish on top though. Rained off and on so just when things were starting it shut down several times. Only the one bow all day.
Turner's is private, charges a fee and only lets five boats maximum in or out. I think the front or something came through Saturday night or Sunday morning that made things a little strange. I love doing a full pool on the Lower East as I consider that my home water up there. It's also probably the moodiest and consistently the hardest to catch fish on. Usually not many small fish though and some of the biggest chubs on the planet
Andy, it great having total access to your lower pool!!
Yea, definitely some of the biggest suckers Ive ever seen! lol.

Two weekends ago I caught a massive Shad on the spey rod too. Incredible fight. I have honestly done exceptionally well on the lower east and this is my first season giving it a shot. Got my biggest upper D rainbow a month or so ago.

Fished lower main with cms829 on Sunday. It's starting to get low and I imagine the temperature will rise pretty quickly in the next 5-7 days. Pretty amazing that the water has stayed this cool...this late in June....all the way to Callicoon. Early part of the float was frustrating as the fish were eating but nothing was on the water. Whiffed a few on bigger patterns and we picked up a few on nymphs. Later, multiple hatches started and we hooked up swinging / stripping patterns, various dry / emerger patterns. Only problem was 10:1 chub to trout ratio.

One highlight was watching 2 adult bald eagles pick off fish after fish in dark Eddy. Pretty cool. Lowlight, guys in front of us taking 25-30 minutes to load their boat. Got home a 2:40am and hated life for the next 36 hours. Girlfriend still giving me s**t for going.
krayfish2 wrote:
Fished lower main with cms829 on Sunday. It's starting to get low and I imagine the temperature will rise pretty quickly in the next 5-7 days. Pretty amazing that the water has stayed this cool...this late in June....all the way to Callicoon. Early part of the float was frustrating as the fish were eating but nothing was on the water. Whiffed a few on bigger patterns and we picked up a few on nymphs. Later, multiple hatches started and we hooked up swinging / stripping patterns, various dry / emerger patterns. Only problem was 10:1 chub to trout ratio.

One highlight was watching 2 adult bald eagles pick off fish after fish in dark Eddy. Pretty cool. Lowlight, guys in front of us taking 25-30 minutes to load their boat. Got home a 2:40am and hated life for the next 36 hours. Girlfriend still giving me s**t for going.

Surf and I floated the MS from Shehawken to Buck on Thursday. Some sporadic rises here and there. Not a lot of any bug, but a whole variety of different ones to match. Couldn't lock into anything. We didn't nymph at all, tried to head hunt the whole time. Sniffed the skunk on trout > got chubbies.

Did the day trip back and forth drive thing too....agree it sucks.
I was hoping for better reports since I will be up there this weekend to float both days and also get my new drift boat.

If anything, it will be a nice weekend to get some rowing practice.
CLSports wrote:
I was hoping for better reports since I will be up there this weekend to float both days and also get my new drift boat.

If anything, it will be a nice weekend to get some rowing practice.

Some anglers may think it sucks, but to me one of the great things about the D is there is no way to predict what will happen from one day to the next, or even one hour to the next, or what may happen around the next bend of the River.

Good luck with your new boat. Post a report.