

Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I just got my monthly stash of fish porn and there is an article in fly tyer about tying Waterwisp style flies. They are dryflies that ride point up and have the hackle and wings tied to the hook bend parachute style.

Anyone tie them? It requires a kinda hook I do not have and before I go a shopping I was looking for some feedback on this style.

Here are some pics of the fly.
Boy Bruno...they are small! :lol:

Seriously, Waterwisp flies were the bomb or marketed as such when the bomb was the bomb. They are more of a novelty than a functional fly. Like many things, form without function is failure. The hookset ability is diminished with these style flies.

Damn Dales Pale Ale it kicks ya in the head

Like Maurice said, they make setting the hook hard. I got suckered into buying some a few years ago at the FF Show. I tried them a few weeks later, missed several nice Spring Creek browns and haven't used them since. If I were you, i wouldn't waste my money on the hooks. Tie as you usually do. If I can make to to next years Jamboree, I'll trade you for some other flies.
You can add Lafontaine's "Dancing Caddis" to the gimmick flies list. I can't tell you how many fish I missed using those.