Waters with the Biggest Potential

I've has a lot of fun experiences on the Aquishacola, usually in May around or a little before Memorial Day. They stock it from around Little Gap downstream. Usually caught a mix of wilds and holdovers to 16 inches. Fall fishing was more sparse, turning up a few wilds here and there . Plenty access and rarely ran into other anglers since the frying pan adherents usually gave up on the stream by then. Ran into what appeared to be a 350-400 pound bear one time. He was more nonchalant than I was, at the time. There are remnant stone dams that are 12 inches high in a few places that I think were meant to be hold pens for the stockies. They don't cause much of an impediment. Lots of good looking cobble on the stream. Some sections could use bigger and better tree canopy. The south hillside in that area is marked as a superfund site because of the smelting operations. Not sure how they would clean that up. Things were starting to grow back the last time I was there. That might be 14 or 15 years ago. Since they stock it, I don't think that much contamination reaches the waterway.
The upper sections of the creek are stocked before it merges with buckwa. I believe just after that is where the contamination starts from the 33 million tons of heavy metals that were dumped right next to the stream. Run off and ground water is no good, I think plans have been in place to get the metals under control.
There are "plans" of a water treatment plant on the Little Conemaugh River near Portage that would treat AMD from Hughes and Sonman Boreholes and Miller Shaft. Some of this river is fishable in certain sections but it would be great to see this river running clean to see more fish and wildlife restored in this watershed.


Older PowerPoint but LC Plant information starts on page 20 in the link above.
The Clarion River has the potential to be a great fisherie. Warm water and pollution from mine drainage are holding it back.