Waterproof Carry Options?

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
larkmark wrote:
Off topic but just curious if anyone on here does any small or big game hunting while fishing in the fall and winter? I ask because I often see deer when I am on the river in winter. I once floated the Delaware during New York gun season and saw quite a few deer. Also have seen buck during PA gun season while floating Juniata.

This is a good question. Why not start a fresh thread - I'd like to comment.
Many of
Rockfish wrote:
I’m curious as to why you guys carry. It’s really never occurred to me out here. When I’ve been out west in ares that have large carnivores like mt lions, I’ve def thought about it. Is it a concern about bears? Or are you fishing more urban settings at times there may be some shifty characters around. Not trying to bash anyone or anything, just genuine curiosity.

I do a lot of mountain / remote fishing. I have come off the water at the end of the day to find folks milling around the car. None of ill intent, to this point, but being alone with no cell service is not a great situation possibly. If someone wanted your car, or worse.

Also, with remote fishing, there have been rumors of meth and pot heads planting crops deep in gamelands, thinking they won't be discovered.

I don't feel the same need when I am fishing the Run in Boiling Springs :)