Water temps on different rivers



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
So I have a USGS app on my phone so I can check stream levels. It has all the data for the different sites, such as temperature. Back a week ago or more, the temperature of the Allegheny river at Franklin topped out at 87, yes Eighty SEVEN degrees. It has frequently been in the mid to lower 80's and is never less than 72, like today when I fished it. The Susquehanna's temps, which were supposed to be a factor in stressing the fish, were no higher. Likewise, the tidal Potomac was in the upper 80's.

I was surprised that the Allegheny, which is way further north and west and usually very clear if there hasn't been a rain storm, would be as hot as those rivers. Many bass were plenty active. However, many others were not. But they simply may have been visible in the clear water, which had visibility of 8 or 10 feet. You could just about count the scales on their back in 3 feet of water. Being a kayaker, I love those conditions!
