Warning: Tick bites

Brad:condolences to your friend and his family.
A gentleman who let me hunt on his property in Newtown Square,PA about 7 years ago, had Lyme and was very lax about going to a doctor.He developed SEVERE joint issues and memory issues and passed away about 3 years after his first bite.Autopsy,i am told,was that it settled in his brain and caused heart control issues.

Not every infection results in a bulls-eye.

According to my Lyme doctor,about 30 % of those who are ostensibly cured by a doxy program,STILL have the disease.It just migrates into different areas of the body ,and when you are sick with mono or some other serious viral or bacterial infection,the Lyme flares up again.

And yes,MOST " entry level "tests are unreliable.So demand the most expensive and thorough test,if you are bitten.
AFISHN wrote:
Brad:condolences to your friend and his family.
A gentleman who let me hunt on his property in Newtown Square,PA about 7 years ago, had Lyme and was very lax about going to a doctor.He developed SEVERE joint issues and memory issues and passed away about 3 years after his first bite.Autopsy,i am told,was that it settled in his brain and caused heart control issues.

Not every infection results in a bulls-eye.

According to my Lyme doctor,about 30 % of those who are ostensibly cured by a doxy program,STILL have the disease.It just migrates into different areas of the body ,and when you are sick with mono or some other serious viral or bacterial infection,the Lyme flares up again.

And yes,MOST " entry level "tests are unreliable.So demand the most expensive and thorough test,if you are bitten.

But good luck getting the insurance to pay for it

First of all, my condolences to you and your friends family. Do you have any information on how long the tick was attached etc?

the same tick carries both lyme and babesiosis.

if it bites and holds on,you can get lyme.

if it bites and lets go,you can get babesiosis.
my condolences on the loss of your friend ,Brad.

i had babesiosis. probably the worst thing i have been through.
def more scary than when i had heart failure,cancer or heart attacks.

your organs start to shut down,and your fever can make you delusional.

if you have flu symptoms that won't go away,i highly suggest you get checked for babesiosis.

Babesiosis ,is referred to as Malaria very often in the hospital. it is basically north american malaria.

it is actually a parasite that lives in your blood.

so,if you start to develop cliche malaria symptoms,go to the ER.
wbranch wrote:
I thought everyone had a spleen.

One might also have to have their spleen removed if it is severely damaged in an accident.

my spleen was removed to better aim radiation for cancer treatment.
So,that's another way people could be spleenless.
My condolences to the family and friends on your loss. RIP!

I have never had a problem with ticks - however my daughter has been bitten a few times. Thank God it was taken care of quickly. My dr. said it's better to be safe than sorry and would prescribe antibodies before test results came back.

For me I keep my time ashore to a minimum thus reducing the chances of getting a tick. I do not wear any aftershave lotions or scented deodorant. All bugs and some wildlife are attracted to the smells.
96% effective vaccine coming out
Frederick, that article is fromt he spring of 2018 and I have not heard of any advances since. The fact of the matter is there are other (less prevalent than lymes) often times potentially lethal complications from tick bites as outlined in this thread. Babeiosis and anaplasmosis come to mind. A friend who is also an avid trapper harvested a bear 2 years ago. A week later came down with a terrible fever and by the time he made it to the hospital was experiencing organ failure. After extensive testing it was determined to be caused by anoplasmosis. He was unsure whether the tick came from the bear or his trapping activities, but he is lucky to still be with us.
I have fished super brushy places and also am often on horse farms w plenty of deer. On the horse farms I wear permethrin sprayed boots and permethrin permanent high socks and pants. To fish I wear bugsaway shirts and always - even in heat - hike in waders. Redington crosswater waders breathe pretty well and are a good deal see "2013 Yellowstone angler wader shootout" online for ideas on staying cooler in waders. Once had a deer tick on my side 24 hours after troutbert sent me to some brushy stream near I80 :), since then have not fished without permethrin shirt and hat plus some deet. Probably some luck but dont know of a tick on skin since.
You're all suppose to do a full body search on your partner after a day in the woods. Let me explain.....Take your partner into the shower and look closely. Wait for it....Wait for it.....unless they're not in the mood. Then just keep hunting for them ticks.