Warmwater Sampler



Well-known member
Mar 14, 2012
Lancaster, PA
Went out gunning for carp this evening but it turned out to be one of those nights that you never really knew what the next cast would produce. The carp (with the exception of one) just totally handed it to me tonight. This is one of the reasons that I find warmwater fishing so unpredictable and challenging at times, but so much fun.


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Bullheads aren't common on flies but once in awhile, I'll get one. I think it helps if the water is stained.

That lower sunfish is unusual - perhaps a hybrid of some make and model(?).

The upper RBS is a real beut!
Gotta love summer.
Dave, I thought the same thing on photo #4. I was back and forth between a pumpkinseed and green sunfish about a half a dozen times. I see characteristics of both species in this fish. I'm really not sure and you are probably right that it is good chance that it is a hybrid which is probably not all that uncommon.
pumpkinseed cross lots of them around


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Very nice mix there!

#4 is definitely a hybrid sunfish of some kind with one of the parents being a Green. Redbreast, Bluegill or Pumpkinseed the most likely for the other. I think most of the stream hybrids in my area that I see are Green x Redbreast. They're the most common two you see in area streams. The Green is usually obvious to see in the pattern, mouth size, and fin color and the little bit of an elongated gill flap makes me think there's Redbreast in them.

Sandy - Both of yours are pure Bluegills.

try this one



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Pure Pumpkinseed.

I think you missed the "catch of a lifetime" on your home waters! :-D

John, nice evening you just never know
wgmiller wrote:

I think you missed the "catch of a lifetime" on your home waters! :-D


Yeah, I just heard about that earlier this evening from a friend of mine who lives along the creek in that area. You just never know! ????