Warmwater Fishing


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Dave, I was wondering if we could have a warmwater section on the forum? I know there is alot trout fisherman on here but it would be nice to have a spot for the other side of Fly Fishing

Thanks Fred :-D
I agree with Fred. I simply love to fly fish for trout, but in the summer and fall smallmouth bass are what I fish for.

The trout streams almost dry up here in PA. But........ on a hot day, a 3wt with some drys or some small poppers fishing for bluegill.

The best fishing experience of my flyrod life is when the white flies hatch on the river. June and July, shallow hot water and everyone is going offshore to catch a couple fish, but I hit the river with my 6wt and some white drys........... priceless! 10 o'clock at night with no hot sun skin cancer and a huge 18" smallmouth bass pulling drag with a size 10 dry in his mouth......... as good as fishing gets!

I love trout the best, but over half the year you have to flyfish for the warm water fish. The warmwater fish multiply the fastest, and I love to have some action with my fly rod.

Again, I agree with Fred, a warmwater forum would be a wonderful thing. I'll send quite a few pix of all the warmwater fish I catch with a flyrod.
To be honest, and I probably do as much warmwater as anyone, I kind of like finding the odd warmwater post among the rest of the posts. Makes a nice change of pace. If you'd like to add a WW forum, I'm not going to lobby against it but I don;t know that its necessary. I doubt that everyone who fishes only for trout is annoyed or inconvenienced by having WW posts in the general or other forums.
It wouldnt bother me to have a seperate index for warm water fish if your looking for reactions from posters. As long as it was a seperate section and spin gear people couldnt harp in. I would check it out. But people fishing for carp freaks me out!
I guess I agree with Tom. don't think it necessary, but wouldn't lobby against it.

I don't think it will annoy any of the trout only people either. I don't think we have many of those anyway. Most of these guys may prefer trout, but they like fishing for other things as well. And even if it does annoy the occasional trout snob, I don't care. As far as I can tell, this has always been a fly fishing site, not a trout fishing only site, and discussions about other species has always been welcome. They can skip to the next thread.

Another forum also gives you more things to monitor.

My honest opinion is that when times are slow, a good way of generating friendly activity is bring up fly fishing for species other than trout on the general board. They do seem to get the most attention in the warmer months. The most positive attention that is. :-D
From a moderator's perspective, it's yet another forum to review and moderate. From that perspective, it might not be a great idea depending on how full their plates are now with the current forums.

From a reader/member's perspective, I think it could be a good thing. Most of us here fish for trout, so this could open new doors to all of us when the fishing is slow. It might also attract new membership who's experience with fly rods and warm weather fishing might teach us all some new things. Perhaps those who are more into the warm weather fishing don't post here due to most of us targeting trout. I'm not sure of this though.

I kind of like the idea personally, but I think the important factor to consider is: how much more work is it for the mods and Dave to set it up?
I kind of like the activity that's generated by the relatively small number of forums. The community here is smaller than some other sites that a) cover larger regions or b) cover less specific topic material. I think in those larger forums, the specific areas are more necessary.

I think the warmwater exclusive guys might like it, but then again, they'll lose the readership of some of the other members. Honestly, I don't really go out of my way to read warmwater strategy because it's always been something that I was more experimental and laid back with. I do, however, enjoy many of the warmwater posts that I stumble across, simply because they are in general forums. I don't know that I'd go to a special forum in which I'm less interested to read them.

I fish both rivers and lakes with a big 8wt and have a load of fund doing it. Trout in cool mountain streams are great, but I live in an area that has far more warm water opportunities. I also believe that fly fishemen should take some of the pressure off of the coldwater resources in our state, by fishing in both cold and warm water settings. Esp. when the little trout stream are stressed. -- We have very few spring creeks in our area, and they are miserably over fished.

I hooked a big river carp this morning that had to weight 20 pounds, and tried to land the thing with a 5x leader. Needless to say, the tippet snapped after about 10 minutes of bulldog scrapping. No fishing experience can to that kind of struggle - I felt like I was pulling a slightly sedated tarpon!

I was also lucky enough to bring in a bunch of smallies on Saturday which was a tremendous pleasure. Watching a smallmouth bass jump is thrilling.

Fly fishing in warmwater rivers, creeks and lakes is a very worthwhile pursuit and very often, I find myself identified by the fellows who fish these areas regularly as "the flyrod guy." Seeing a fly fisherman covering a lake in this area is just that rare.

Also -- I think we tend to take our native warmwater fish for granted. I sent a photograph of a very fat pumpkinseed sunfish to a friend of mine who lives in Europe. He could not stop raving about how gorgeous and "exotic" this little fish looked! -- Seen through another pair of eyes, our warmwater "garbage fish" can seem like real gems.

I'm also a fan of Fallfish which are in my opinion, a "poorman's brookie" -- or "swamp trout" -- I have caught Fallfish in excess of 12 inches. You NEVER see these fish mentioned at all -- what a shame.

Attached is a small Fallfish I caught today in the brandywine river, the little guy jumped 6 times!


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Victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: 😛int: :hammer:
THANKS DAVE YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D