Warm water blues :-(


Feb 3, 2012
So i have been at the vice tying carp flies for about 3 hours now . I look out the window and there is snow blowing around and ice hanging from the gutter. I can't help but to get that feeling of desperation..... Man i can't wait till the warm water fishing picks up..... Sure it has been a mild winter great for trout fishing but a trout can't fill the void. I can't wait to stand in the river with a pair of shorts on chasing smallies, carp, pike, and all the other warm water critters... Not sure what the point of this is.... Just wanted to do some complaining.....
I hear yuh and feel the same way.

I'm lucky enough to live in an area with great trout fishing so that's mainly what I do during the colder months. Although we're finally seeing some typical winter weather, in just three more short weeks the bass will move into the pre-spawn and happy days will be back again.
wgmiller wrote:
What's the estimated "post-spawn" window for smallies? Gonna go after em' this year....

As a very broad rule, the "post spawn" would be regarded as the roughly three week period after the spawn. With respect to SMBs in PA rivers - I usually regard most of the month of June to be post spawn. Again, it varies. This period has never treated me well and I regard it as one of the toughest times to catch bass. June is a great month for trout but not my favorite time for bass....even though the rivers are usually dropping down to good wadeable levels and it's really tempting. Mid summer and fall, at least for me, are better bass months.
I agree with fish idiot the post spawn/ late may to early june depending on the year is normally rough. Although last year the first week of june was superb smb fishing. I caught a fat 20 incher and some other respectable fish out of one of my local rivers. I would imagine it depends on the body of water, water temps, and all of the other complexities that make a your head spin trying to figure out. April can be a good time to fish for smallies and is a good time to fool a big'n. Anyhow good luck to ya.