Want to be a bounty hunter, for rainbow trout?



Aug 31, 2010
Do you want to live the adventurous life of a bounty Hunter, without the risk of being shot at, and be paid for it?

Well, here's your chance!

Rainbow trout bounty
I remember Ted Turner has a ranch by Yellowstone and he shocked and killed most of the Rainbows in his stream. The locals had a **** fit he killed all those Trout.

...or the south fork of the snake river.

And I think Ted was killing the browns and other non-native fish in that trib of the Madison. That could be rainbows as well though..
I believe the cutthroats of the Snake River are endangered and they certainly are quite unique. I don't think I'd turn the bows in for a bounty, but they are good eating.
they petitioned for the Yellowstone cut to be listed as "threatened" back in the late 90's and it was denied. West slopes were petitioned in 2000 and also turned down. That's why the state is taking matters into their own hands.