Wading boots

The emergers are normally made as far as i know.

There were mixed reviews about those new ones with fewer seems. Half the people said 5 stars other half said 1 star.
Plus they are $100 more.

The emergers have no reviews yet unfourtunately. I might be the first here in a few days.

Here are the fewer seemers:
Rapid River LL Bean's
Huh, is that a fact...LL had been promoting their new wader constructs as the next best thing...I stated before in order for me to spend more then a couple hundred bucks on waders they'll have to have a built in heater and AC..

I'm going to go to bean and read up on those reviews..It's rare to see such a desparity in product reviews like that..Strange, somethings is going on..
Yeah, I was surprised by that as well especially with their 100% satisfaction warranty.
When buying wading boots, I go one size up and one size wider. That accounts for the wader feet, and whatever pair (thick or thin) of normal socks I have on depending on the time of year and stream I am working. That one size up works perfectly for me.