Wading boots bottoms



Active member
Jun 5, 2012
Getting ready to buy a new pair of wading boots but before I do I'd like some advise on the bottoms. Looks like there is at least four choices. Felt, studded felt, rubber and studded rubber What are your preferences and why. I'm replacing a pair of felt boots with Velcro strap buckles (which always came undone)
I currently have studded rubber. Before theseI have always had studded felt. The studs make up for the fact that I do not carry a wading staff. The felt vs rubber is about a wash for me. Felt may be better on wet rocks and rubber may better on dry rocks.
I've always been a felt guy, but I feel just as comfortable traction wise with studded rubber. When I purchased a pair of Korker Metalheads last year, I thought for sure I would be ordering a set of felt soles, but the studded rubber changed my mind about felt.
This is my first year with studded rubber LL Bean West Branch boots. I feel more secure in every water I wade. Don't forget a wading staff.