I wear the "Outfitter" model.
I also just checked Korker's web site, (because I couldn't remember, the name of my boot model!, I've just always called them "Larry") and saw that they're having a "2006 close out sale" for 25% off on these wading boots. ( ).
The "Outfitter", comes standard with 2 pairs of soles....... 1ea. Felt pair & 1ea. Hiking Boot sole. After those, 2, there's about 6 more combos of soles to choose from, at about $30.00 a pair.
I was asked to try out these boots, when they very first came out, so was also given all the different soles to try, too. Studded Aqua Stealth, studded felts, straight studs, straight felt, the "Boat Deck" sole", etc. etc. the only sole, I would NOT recommend, is the straight Aqua Stealth sole.
I've heard a lot of hype on this "new rubber technology", as being "as good, if not better then, felt", and so on, but I've worn both-L.L. Bean's, Aqua Stealth and the Korker ones and spent more time on my BUTT, in ice cold water, than I ever did standing upright! Now, coupled with STUDS, which I also have, Aqua Stealth seems to work very well. (Korker's brand).
If you want to go "up in price a few pennies", then their "Guiide Model" is a really well made and VERY comfortable boot. These have 6, different, soles available for them. I've worn my "Outfitters" for over 5 years now, and just tried out the new "Guide model", this past season. But, I'll be wearing them, Steelheading all this winder, too, so that should really be the test for these new boots.
Nope, "I don't work for Korkers"!! And, no, I don't get paid to endorse anything they make! But a fishing buddy of mine, owns a fly shop and he asks me to try out new products, since I fish a hair more than the average Joe, I guess. So, "MY opinions" on things, like these Korker boots, are just that........... "MY" opinions, only Maurice!!
So, I was sold on the Korker boots, ONLY because I hate bruises, twisted ankles and having a sore butt, for half a season from slipping and falling down!! :lol: