
My paper route pays about $500 a month and its about 100 papers a day. Figure it out.

No, because I refuse to acknowledge the death of a bygone era where kids ran paper routes before parents with cars came along and usurped it from them.

gfen wrote:

Also, as he's pointed out before, he's like 8 years old and I'm not sure how many news papers one delivers to make a buck fitty, but I'm willing to bet its over 9000.

I believe I made .19 a paper just a few years ago. So it's just a hair under 800 papers.

I don't miss those days....

Check out the Danvise if you haven't bought yet. I have one with a pedistal on ebay for a steal... but I think it's around $80-85 brand new.

Nice rotary, cam jaws hold everything and almost bullet proof. In it's price range I think it's the best out there.
1-its cheaper for the paper to pay one currier to deliver what it took two or three "paper boys"

2-its a liability issue. For instance, in our county, the paper went from a morning and evening paper to a morning only. Its a huge liability to have a bunch of kids riding their bikes around at 3, 4, 5am. In today's lawsuit happy society, w/ the drop in newspaper subscriptions, I just don't think having that kind of liability is one that newspapers are willing to take anymore.

I frankly hate doing it. It kills you on gas, it's a pain in the butt getting up that early EVERY SINGLE DAY of the year, and its exhausting. Between my full time job, going to college, and raising a family, it leaves me with no energy. I need the money though.
My best friend of those days had a paper route and despised it with every fiber of his being. Especially in the winter.

I had a job at mcdonalds. We often argued over what was worse, but he checkmated me on the whole 4am thing.
I got mine down to less than an hour Monday through Saturday. I can sleep in till 5am. Yipee....

Winter is bad. Doing it in the hurricane was bad, but not as bad as blizzards. My first year doing it, I started in Feb. a week before we got those back to back blizzards two years ago. Man, I really need the money!
ok i will look at that vise, thanks.
No body usurped anything, lmao ... I had six paper routes when i was a kid from time i was eight till i was 12 three morning call routes i combined intoa big route and three Easton Express routes i did the same too. its amtter of work ethic.Today most not all kids are freakin soft .can't tell lil jimmy he is doin bad might hurt his feelings,cant give susie a failing grade it will demoralize her, cant kick yer kid in the butt when hes been caught with something that didnt belong to him or you get arrested. B. S. on that.
Worlds a mess cause of friggin Liberal And conservatives not doin what they should be doing and also parents not being parents. say what you want read the papers watch the news the truth is before you ,like what you see good, if not time to get back to basics.
The kid is working congrats , in this day and age kids want every thing for news for you life don't work that way. Also congrats on putting down the video game and smart phone, being in the outdoors will keep you far more helathy and stimulate your senses and intelligence far greater than sittin in the house.

As for the young man who posted keep up the good work, good work + smart thinking will take you far in this world,also the list is up to help you make better purchasing decisions nothing more nothing less.So dont take it personal, you asked for ideas.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
klingy, do u have a peak vise? if so do u like it.
I've had a Peak vise for 4 years, and love it. I used a Griffin 2A before that, and some cheap Indian knock-offs prior to the Griffin.
I would have been satisfied with the Griffin, but wanted a rotary so that I could see the other osode of a fly without removing it from the vise. I do wind some materials using the rotary function, but I mostly use the rotary feature to tie and view at different angles. The quality of the Peak is outstanding, and you could hammer nails with it. The standard jaws are dandy for flies as small as #20, but the midge jaws making tying tiny flies so much nicer.
it is a toss up between the renzetti travler and the peak. the peak is $50 cheaper and just as well.
rhbuilds - Yeah I have the Peak Rotary vice. Works great for me. The jaws are nice, and I like the white base.
i noticed that u can get get upgraded screws for the peak vise, are the stock ones plastic/nylon?
i got a cheap one to start and it holds a size 24 trico i have and it holds it tight...