Veggie Wash



Sep 18, 2006
I happened onto an interesting thing the other day. Other folks like me who are indifferent maintainers of their equipment may find it of occasional use.

I needed a reel to spool a new WF7F so I could get ready to go smallmouth fishing if and when the rivers I fish in this area ever drop to fishable levels.

So, I was digging around in a closet where I have this major pile of old stuff. I found an old 70-80's vintage Cortland graphite reel that had a serious case of the gummies from indifferent care and from sitting in the closet for about 20 years.

I set about cleaning it up and I went looking for some solvent to clean the gunk out of it. On my way out the door to the shed to get the solvent, I passed through the kitchen and saw a spray bottle of this stuff called Veggie Wash, which is a citrus-based product used to rinse pesticide residue and other crud off produce.

"Why not"? I thought. Citrus oils are pretty good grease cutters. So, I gave the guts of the reel a couple squirts and dug around in there with an old toothbrush. It took 2 applications, but it cleaned the reel slicker than goose poop on linoleum.

One rinse with water, add some lube and away we go.

I thought this was pretty good and decided I'd share it.