Vandals on the Little J



New member
Apr 22, 2013
Please be advised- Two trucks today had windows shot out while parked on the J. One was on Shovelworks Rd--the other was parked at the gate off of rt. 453. This truck belonged to my client and the other truck that was hit was one of my guides. Curious if anyone else had any trouble today- please contact me if so. Thanks. (At least the fishing was GREAT!)
That stinks, wouldn't you just love to catch these pos doing this? Sorry to hear this. Thanks for the information.
Valley and now Little J? That blows. Hope they catch the sob.
Sorry to hear about the trucks . I love the books BTW
Thanks for the heads up Eric.
Nothing to report from the gorge lot.
lol, might be a better idea to contact police directly.....rather than a fishing guide
LOL--Fair point! Just hoping it wasn't happening all over the river.
total bummer though, what a stupid, dangerous act...... and good luck getting that client to come back!!!!!
Stroup wrote:
Please be advised- Two trucks today had windows shot out while parked on the J. One was on Shovelworks Rd--the other was parked at the gate off of rt. 453. This truck belonged to my client and the other truck that was hit was one of my guides. Curious if anyone else had any trouble today- please contact me if so. Thanks. (At least the fishing was GREAT!)

Thanks for the heads up.
LOL--Fair point! Just hoping it wasn't happening all over the river.

I was parked up at the Junkyard and had no issues, other than getting there a little late for the peak of the hatch...
I was at the gorge on Thursday and Friday and didn't experience any trouble. That sucks. People can't even go fishing without some ****** ruining it.
I was there on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Various locations along the river. No trouble at all.

Your client AND your guide? That's seems like more than coincedence. Does someone have a bone to pick with you?
^^ My thoughts exactly. Seems personal. Was anything stolen from the vehicles?
"Once is happenstance; twice is enemy action."- Charles Stross
I wonder if the shooters were locals who think that a lot of fishers would go away if they were worried about having their vehicles damaged.
My thoughts exactly TYoung. First thing i thought of when i heard this, locals pissed that flatlanders are coming to fish their water

Stuff like that happens in potter county so i dont see why it couldnt there
Could the "Fishing Club" be involved somehow?
I was parked at the gorge lot on both Sunday and Monday. No problems there.