Valley success



Active member
Jul 18, 2010
Finally shook the skunk @ Valley. I met my nephew last night and we fished from 6:30 until we couldn't see to tie a fly on. Fish were rising all around, but being particular.
I finally hooked up with an 8" brown on a #14 BWO. It was the smallest thing I had. Nice way to start my last weekend of fishing until next spring. Rotator cuff surgery is next Wednesday. Can I be Lefty III ??
Good luck with the surgery Keith!
Thanks, George. It's been a long time coming.
Nice job!!!!! Good luck with the surgery. Couldn't you make one last trip this weekend?
Congrats! But where are the pictures?
They are some tough fish to catch in that stream. I got my first...and only...there 2 or 3 weeks ago. It felt so good after trying for so long.

Have you ever thought about learning to cast left handed? It works great for me.
Thanks, everyone.
Prof, I'm hitting a couple of places for the last shot of 2013. I should be fishing every day this weekend for at least a couple of hours, at first light.

phiend: no camera. Left-handed has been coming along, but it's tough to wade with one arm in a sling. I should be one-armed for 6 weeks, at least.
Keith, Valley was fishing well yesterday, but only saw two fish rise in several hours. I was just hoping to bring at least one fish to hand, and ended up having one of my best days there. That said, I missed at least six before I hooked up. There are plenty of fish in there, though. Good luck with your surgery!
They want rain on Monday. I'd be up for fishing Valley in the afternoon/evening if Prof, Fade, KeithS, etc. are up to it.
I doubt I'll be fishing on Monday, but I'd be game for it if my wife has to work all day.
Had I known it was gonna rain there like it did last night, I'd have been there this morning with my WB-ers!
I'm meeting Steve (SRoach) there tomorrow at 7:00 A.M. Probably be there Sunday and Monday also. Where else am I going to go????? Just too damn close !!!!!
I'm exploring tomorrow but I may see you Monday.
did I run into you when you were on your way out ?
Fox and Prof...let's do Monday afternoon/evening! Doesn't have to be VC either. I'll be up for anything. I have my bro's graduation party tomorrow, I'll have homework all day on Sunday, so I'll be ready for fishing come Monday.
Keith, only guy I talked to was a bike rider on my way out. Didn't see any other anglers which was probably a big factor in my favor.
'Squatch, I'm not sure I can do anything but Monday morning but I'll see how I can work things. We'd have to do VC, the prof will melt on any other stream! :-d
Fished with prof today, as always he did better then I, was a tougher day on the stream today. Kind of muggy out too.

Prof and fox, see you guys monday morning. Going to try and get a couple things done tomorrow.
Is anyone fishing Valley to tomorrow morning?
Sorry barbecue Monday....slow cooked ribs for two hours

What time should I be there. I love me some ribs!!!!