moon1284 wrote:
Ignorant question, but if little valley was devastated, why not use this as an opportunity to stock heritage strain (or whatever you call them) st?
sarce wrote:
The environment there is too harsh for brookies because of the insane flash flooding. They tried to re-introduce brookies to the upper part of a tributary of little valley recently and that failed. There are also browns in that same tributary lower down, as well as in Little Valley upstream of the fish kill site.
I wouldn't do anything at all to "reintroduce" or stock Valley. Like others have posted above, the stream will recover and the brown trout will repopulate on their own.
I just wish there was some way to protect the stream from all these fish kills. It happens far too frequently there. Two incidents of chlorinated water kills and two or three sewage spills just in the last 8 or 9 years.