Valley Creek Today?



Active member
Apr 23, 2013
Will this be ok to fish today? I checked the USGS and things look ok there. I just don't want to drive all the way there to find out its too high, and turn around.
That is a great water level. VC drops and clears quicker than nay stream I know.
I have fished that stream in the AM where it was high (IE-a great flow!), and 2 hours later it seemed low!
flow is good. I can't tell from the graph but it might be on the brown side of off color but don't let that stop you.
Probably was a little on the LOW side yesterday, not high. Late day on the 1st was the window.
It wasn't that low. It wasn't high either. It was slightly off color but nothing too drastic.

FWIW, that place frustrates the hell out of me. I'm not sure why they are so much more difficult, but they are IMO. I didn't catch any and missed 1 or 2.

But I did see something that made me laugh. SBecker gave me a huge wooly bugger. I tried a few things and wasn't getting anywhere so I decided to gave it a shot. I swear this thing weighs more than my rod...Anyway I tossed it out, right up top of 2 fish that I couldn't see in the off color water. When it landed, one started to flee for its life, but then it turned like it was gonna eat it. But then it changed its mind again, and again. It kept turning to run then turning back to think about it more.

I think I am gonna go back for some more humiliation tomorrow.
PM sent. Hang in there.
fish it with people who fish it often. fish it a lot by yourself. learn from people on the board and talk to people on the stream. everytime you go you'll learn something new by either catching fish or not catching fish.