Valley Creek Needs Your Help

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Valley Forge National Historical Park got pounded by the rains of last Thursday and Friday. 9.5 inches of rain in a 24 hour period wreaked havoc on the riparian buffer fences. Most of them are down. Some can be pulled up again but many will need new posts. The Park is calling for volunteers for this week. If you can volunteer time during the week, that would be great. If not we will hold a workday in conjunction with the Park this Saturday, October 9, 2010 – meeting at the Wilson Road iron bridge at 8:30 AM and working until 1:00PM (or whatever part of the day you can spare). Many of you have worked on the deer fences before either installing them or restoring them after past hurricanes. We have an ownership in these riparian areas and they need their protection. Please give us a hand on Saturday.

Thank you in advance,
Pete Goodman
Valley Forge Chapter of Trout Unlimited
It is kind of surprising that the largest percentage of votes in the poll "This Christmas I hope to receive or just buy for myself:"
is nothing. Is that a sign of the economy or just that many of us, me included, have as much fishing stuff as we want?
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I think it is more that I would rather buy it myself because my wife isn't going to get it right! And who wnats to take back powder blue dubbing material!
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I pick out specific items, say half a dozen and tell her "Honey get me whichever ones you want". I always get a couple of my selections.
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The last couple of years, I haven't ben able to fish that much, this year because of all the rain,it seamed like everytime I was able to go, the water was to high. The other couple of years because of health, I haven't fished that much. If you don't fish much you don't use alot.

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The DVR will be set to record. Congratulations Shane & Phil !!!
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I shall DVR it too and hopefully pick up a few tips.
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With Phil's good looks and Becker's sense of balance they were a lock to win.

Congrats guys.
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Good, read.

Great job guys I look forward to watching your success!
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I'm anxious to get home and see it on the DVR tonight.

Harman's is a nice venue and Shane and Phil are a couple of great guys!
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Wow. That was a nice sized trout. Congratulations on the victory. Maybe now that the episode has aired we can hear about what was working for you on the water. I'm very interested in the two-fly round. After seeing the size of those Rainbows, I'm thinking I may need to book a room at Harman's.
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Great to see a couple guys from PAFlyFish having fun. I remember talking about this at the Jam.
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Way to Represent! Great Job guys! It isn't that far from me in Washington PA. Looks like it would be worth a weekend.

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Won't lie i HATE that show and laught at the stockies and private waters they fish. I can't stand that Curtis Flemingon's voice. I haven't been able to find a fishing show on tv worth watching in several years...but despite all that congrats on the win...nice to see PA guys win!
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Our first invitation for the 2014 Harman's North Fork Invitational goes to Phil and Shane.

Harman's would love to have them back representing PA Fly Fish.

As we work thru the selection process, I expect another team from PA Fly Fish will be selected. Thank You.. The Harman's
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