Valley Creek 05-05-14



Mar 23, 2014
Was out on Valley Creek yesterday with a buddy. What an awesome day. Great weather and we caught our fair share of fish. I had the nice fat 10-12" Brown nail my bottom nymph and a 7" Brown nail my top nymph. You can see the 7" out of the water and the larger one still in the water in the pic below. I've never caught 2 fish at once let alone 2 beautiful browns on Valley Creek.

Just an amazing stream. We saw tons of fingerlings in the shallows which is a very good sign with the recent sewage issue. Even found a snapping turtle hanging out in the sun on a fallen tree.

Pics posted below
Nice job man! That 12" is a very nice, healthy looking fish.
Excellent you got pics of this. I enjoyed this.
Sounds like a great day. Some really good looking fish there.
Great job.

Nice fish! I just started fishing Valley creek and I think its a nice little creek! Congrats on the double hook up!! that must have been a nice fight
Nice bunch of pictures there. What a great day to be out on the stream. I only ever hooked two at the same time on one occasion. I had a chub take my dropper nymph and a decent brown hit my caddis fly on top. It makes for an interesting fight when they try and swim in different directions.

What nymph is that in the 2nd to last photo? Caddis Larvae?

Congrats on the double!
Sorry I broke the links on the pics so here they are again







Was out on Valley again this morning. Caught a bunch of fish on both nymphs and small Sulfurs. What a great day to fish.
Heading out there in the am. Will be my first time fly fishing. lets see how this goes!!
what part of valley are you guys fishing mostly? in the park or out of the park. I have fished a bunch of times in the park but i haven't been able to hook into anything larger than 5 or 6 inches, I'm just looking to get some fish a little larger. Thanks for the help
The first picture says it all.