Using felt-sole boots in the Catskills



Sep 10, 2006
Hello everyone,

This spring, I'll be taking my first trip up to the Beaverkill in NYS. Does anyone know if felt-sole boots still permitted, or have they gone to rubber soles only?
Felt is fine. Though not currently listed as infected by didymo, the Beaverkill reportedly has the invasive rock snot present. Be sure to follow proper cleaning/drying precautions before entering other waterways.
Thank you. By proper precautions, is there anything else I should be doing besides cleaning thoroughly with disinfectant (like Spray-9) and letting them dry completely?
when possible i like to have two pairs of boots so one can dry completely.
You're go on felt in NYS......... for now
Montana introduces a bill to ban felt boots.
fadeaway263 wrote:
Montana introduces a bill to ban felt boots.

Ya, ya, ya because Simms is based in Montana and they are trying to sell more boots and TU is getting kick backs to support the ban. I think Obama and Al Gore are in there somewhere in the conspiracy as well. Seriously, the conspiracy of VT (Orvis), Alaska, MT (Simms), MD, etc have been discussed pretty exhaustively in other threads.