USGS site

I have to second what Dave Kile says above. Although I am not an IT professional, you don't need to be to see the lost of access to data and functionality of the water dashboard. You cannot overlay historical trends or other data on the pop up graphs anymore. Many of add-ons that are on it don't work, like the drought monitor. I can only use two of the map types that are offered in the layers. And while I like the idea and the layout, it just doesn't let you see as much info as it used to. So it is a failure, much like the PA Boat and Fish Commissions re-make of their website. You get glitz as a substitution for access to information. Which is pretty odd in the information age.
I tested out my old bookmarks i had from last year for the guages i like to look at and found that they all still worked the same way as they had last year thankfully
I tested out my old bookmarks i had from last year for the guages i like to look at and found that they all still worked the same way as they had last year thankfully

The more than 50+ bookmarks I created in my browser are 10+ years old and still work just fine.

They all reside in a single master folder titled "Stream Conditions" with sub-folders folders to separate them by region & water shed.

Folks can do what they like but I can't be bothered clicking on little dots on a map...
The more than 50+ bookmarks I created in my browser are 10+ years old and still work just fine.

They all reside in a single master folder titled "Stream Conditions" with sub-folders folders to separate them by region & water shed.

Folks can do what they like but I can't be bothered clicking on little dots on a map...

I'm generally watching the same half dozen or so so i just open the browser and hit the bookmarks. Works great for my needs and i hope it does not change
Just found out that a new gauge station was recently added to the USGS site.

I was reading the latest edition of the TU PA trout magazine.
And there was a blurb about in in the rear section, where they have reports from the state chapters. Posted by the susquehanna chapter.
New gauge is on Fishing Creek just downstream of the Tylersville hatchery, and went online last October

Glad to hear this
Because it never had a gauge before, I always had to kinda guess what condition the water would be there
And drove there many times, only to find the water up and murky
So I see the USGS just changed one of my favorite booked-marked pages on the USGS Water site for water temps. I had a full listing sorted by streams that only had water temps. I'm very sure provided by someone else on Paflyfish. I just went to the page and it has been updated to the new interface. Sucks

Well, President Ronald Reagan said the nine most terrifying words in the English language were: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
I went to the USGS site and looked at what I always look at. What did I miss?
The page dryflyguy mentioned is not available. It was one, fast loading page of all PA gauges including water temps (if available) organized by watershed, a single line per gauge showing discharge, gauge height and time of last reading, with a link to the individual gauge page if you needed it for custom data graphs (I rarely did). It was a perfectly organized site for fishermen. What is available now is far inferior, though you can get the same data, just with more effort and and time. I see no reason they couldn't put it back up. Can't recall the exact name they used.
Dear Board,

Recently I've been using the MARFC page. It shows the majority of the gauges on the larger rivers and even many of the larger creeks in the Susquehanna River Basin. It's easy to blow the map up and clicking on a station shows gauge height and flow along with forecasted trends. It's an easy way to see if a lump of water has passed through a drainage in advance of your upcoming fishing trip.

I think the new USGS sucks so I always look here first.


Tim Murphy 🙂
The page dryflyguy mentioned is not available. It was one, fast loading page of all PA gauges including water temps (if available) organized by watershed, a single line per gauge showing discharge, gauge height and time of last reading, with a link to the individual gauge page if you needed it for custom data graphs (I rarely did). It was a perfectly organized site for fishermen. What is available now is far inferior, though you can get the same data, just with more effort and and time. I see no reason they couldn't put it back up. Can't recall the exact name they used.
I guess my needs aren't that involved. I just need to look at the guage where I'll be going and see how high or low the water is compared to other times.
I guess my needs aren't that involved. I just need to look at the guage where I'll be going and see how high or low the water is compared to other times.
That's all I do. Since only certain streams/rivers have a guage, I just check the guage closest to where I want to fish to get an idea of conditions in the general area. I try my best to keep it simple.