User Menu Location



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg

It seems the user menu has moved recently, perhaps to accomodate the Polls (I'm not sure). See "User Menu 1" below for the current postion which is just below the Google Ads in the left panel.

I tend not to notice the User Menu in this current position, and I'm afraid I'll miss PMs.

Seems to me there is unused real estate in the upper right corner of the screen as illustrated by "User Menu 2" below. Could we move the User Menu here or re-think the layout if possible?

Mine shows the site menu between the poll and the ads. The user is at the bottom of ads also. Although if to admit never really noticed the user menu. Maybe because I don't scroll down that far. Seems like it should be under the site menu.
live2fish wrote:
Although if to admit never really noticed the user menu. Maybe because I don't scroll down that far.

I think that was Greg's point. I noticed it when the poll came out. Its not a big deal but I did spend a good 30 seconds looking for the inbox that day.
NP I can move some some things around and get it straightened out. thanks for the feedback.

Thank-you Dave. Much better!