Upper Lehigh in SGL 127



Feb 29, 2012
I'm a longtime FF duffer who bought a place in upper Susquehanna county several years ago as a getaway and have started to explore some waters in the poconos, on the way up there, that I've never fished. 2 weeks ago I stopped to fish the Lehigh river in SGL 127 in Monroe county. I fished it for about 4 hours and saw no trout, got no hits on nymphs, saw no rises, and very little insect activity. It seens to be a nice stream asthetically and I'd like to hear how it fishes from anyone in the know. Thanks!
I've never fished the upper Lehigh above the FEW dam so I can't help much up that way. 2 weeks ago things were still pretty cold up that way and I'm not sure what time of day you fished. I fished a trib to the Lehigh about 2 weeks ago which was still pretty cold...Hendrickson's come out for about 15 mins and there were sporadic rises...otherwise it seemed devoid of life
I've fished it just above Thornhurst, I believe that area was stocked, seemed king of put and take in that area, caught fish but saw tons of garbage in those stretches. This was 3 or 4 years ago. I always figured those upper stretches held over trout but who knows, my friend inherited a cabin up there and I nearly bought it but he had another buyer so I missed out.
The Lehigh is stocked along the GL border from just south of I-380, all the way down below Thornhurst. It was last stocked on 4/24.

stocking schedule

It's fished pretty heavy in that whole area, and there is a club that also stocks it. I've caught wild fish throughout that area, too.

Nice stream to fish when the crowds subside. Good luck.
Thanks for the info. It was awful cold the day I was there although bright and sunny. Sounds like it might be worth a second look.
I was up in that exact exact location two Saturdays ago in the pm. There were definitely fish there as my dad and I both had some hits under on WBs. Later in the afternoon is when things got exciting.
The caddis hatch started, a little green #18 with a green body. Though no fish were rising I decided to see what I could make happen. I through an EH caddis from some ripples into some slower water in a spot no more that 10 ' across and started getting rises. It was great, but a bit confusing. I landed 4 trout in the hour that I saw caddis on the water. The weird part was that there was nothing rising except to my fly. I guess that live bugs were just not staying still long enough.

It was a fun night and I would definitely hit those waters again. We normally spend most of our time below the FEW, but we were getting nothing with the quick water.
I fished up in this area on Saturday. There were a few caddis on the water, I caught some small stockie browns and a native brookie in one of the lower stretches, the further up I went the less action, more fishermen and skinnier water. Caught 4 in the 1st stretch and did little more than scouting around in the upper stretches.

I did see a large raptor take a good sized trout in the first stretch I fished, it happened too fast to take a photo, quite a sight.

Nice looking fins, looks like a native brookie to me

No fish in this stretch, this guy had been here all day