Update on the new 2019 Pennsylvania fishing license



Nov 27, 2015
I thought this was a good piece on the 2019 fishing license. I like the bass option as I have openly supported the natural reproduction of the bass. Additionally, there are options to support toothy critters and conservation efforts. This is a well written piece with some updated and needed facts. I like the idea of voting with your dollars.

It also looks like someone threw John Arway a Yinzer bone.


Happy New Year,

Not really any new information on how the funds will be spent but a fantastic update on the casselman river. Thanks for posting, I had no idea.
Yes, the Casselman news is cool. I've always wondered how great the Casselman and Stony Creek might be without the incredible abuses those streams have been exposed to by the mining industry.
Thank you. I learned something new:
"In addition to angler revenues generated by voluntary permit sales, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will give Fish and Boat $5 for each permit sold."

Its unclear if that 5.00 will be put back into the program, but even if it does not and the money goes to a "general fund", that's more money for WCO, programs, biologists etc. It relieves the pressure to cut at PFBC
That USF&W thing is really good; if the chronically concussed people currently in charge of the Executive Branch in DC allow it to happen. They're very erratic.. I know this comes close to the "no politics" line here, but needed to be said nonetheless.

I now withdraw back to my retired cocoon...:)
Just to clarify, the voluntary permits won’t generate matching federal revenue since that only comes from unique license sales. So if currently licensed anglers purchase one, that isn’t a new sale. Since the voluntary Mentored Youth licenses are a unique sale in that they are purchased for a class of anglers (youth < 16 years of age) who aren’t required to purchase a license, those do qualify for federal funding which is currently approximately $5.00 for every unique license sold (your Customer Identification Number printed on your license). Now I can go back to retirement!
