Under/Over lining reel

For me personally, with the type of fishing I do with a 4 wt line the backing will never see the light of day and is a spacer/filler. I recently have been using 30 lb test berkely big game (or something like that - uber cheap) monofilament from wall mart. You can do the reverse fill like Bamboozle wrote or just wing it - if you put on too much backing/mono just peel it off.
The appeal of the imports for me is finding stuff I want that I can't get in the USA and discovering stuff that is ideally suited to the type of fishing I do but I never knew it existed...

I can do without the hard to get part. ;)

The 4'10" rod will be used for trout or pan fishing in small creeks doing what is called "flick casting." With flick casting a soft tipped fiberglass rod is used to quickly and easily launch a very light lure with a bait casting reel especially designed for light, light lures.

You can do the flick casting thing with the fiberglass spinning version of the same rod, but I have a bunch of bamboo spinning rods that are ideally suited for the same purpose so I flick cast them with a spinning reel.

Coincidentally,, I would have never known about the technique or tackle if I wasn't interested all all kinds of fishing.
I like the hard to get aspect as there's just a good feeling about fishing something exquisite besides other people with basic department store setups. Helps me achieve "the high" in the sport and shows that I put a lot time in tracking down a unique reel for said rod as opposed to making some brain-dead consumer decision, "iT wOrKs". Won't catch me a MaxCrap or PissFun. In my mind a see a "perfect combo" of rod and reel and then I get the components as I see fit. I once had a SAGE 503l, one of 250 units made worldwide. I may also have a rod that is one of 400. I had to check production numbers on that model to get a more detailed report as I think there were more made, and no, it;s not a SAGE ONE or Method Elite. I think there were 400 of the ONE Elites distributed. In my mind I think anglers like seeing rare stuff, like seeing on odd-ball retro supercar on the streets.

Different strokes for different folks...